Thursday, January 2, 2020

Macbeth Is Not a Villain... - 2571 Words

MACBETH ESSAY The proposition that #8220;Macbeth is a villain in whom there is little to admire#8221; is an inadequate judgement of Macbeth#8217;s character. Macbeth is not consciously and naturally malevolent, and there are many aspects of his character and his downfall which serve to support this. Macbeth was not only a victim of his own actions, but also of the human condition and the extremely powerful forces of both his wife and fate. Throughout the play the audience undoubtedly experiences feelings of horror at Macbeth, but we are also driven, through an understanding of his character, to admiration and sympathy. This would not be the case if Macbeth was a totally vile and reprehensible villain, and thus the tragedy of†¦show more content†¦He tells Lady Macbeth; #8220;We will proceed no further in this business: He hath honoured me of late#8230;#8221; Despite this apparent resolve, just 49 lines later Macbeth has changed his mind and is set on murdering the King. Lady Macbeth was extremely influential in turning him around. He would not have committed the murder if it weren#8217;t for her. Lady Macbeth is an element of extreme power. Macbeth#8217;s ambition and conflicting morals make him hopelessly vulnerable to Lady Macbeth#8217;s terrible resolution and unnatural, daunting, power. She begins by frankly questioning his ambition; preying upon his weakness as a man of pride and challenging his determination, valour, courage, and preparedness to fight for what he desires: #8220;Art thou afeared To be the same in thine act and valor as thou art in desire?#8221; She even questions his manhood, so that he feels the need to tell her; #8220;I do all that may become a man, Who dares do more is none#8221;. He is still morally cognitive and has deep reservations; committing the murder would be inhumane. His conscience has not yet been put aside. But now Lady Macbeth, sensing that all the fruits of her ambition are at stake, shows a degree of determinatio n and commitment to the cause that Macbeth must match if he is to maintain his own sense of purpose. She tells him that she would have dashed the brains out of her own infant #8220;had (she) so sworn as (Macbeth)Show MoreRelatedMacbeth: Hero or Villain2592 Words   |  11 PagesMacbeth: Hero or Villain In this essay, I will be divulging into Macbeth written by William Shakespeare in 1603, to try and answer the question Was Macbeth a true hero or villain in the play?. Macbeth is a play of villainy, murder, deceit and oftenly described as a play fit for a king. In my personal opinion, the evidence from Shakespeares original text and Roland Polanskis video version strongly suggests that Macbeth was a true villain rather than a hero. 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