Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Manifest Destiny Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Manifest Destiny - Essay Example In 1845, America considered that it was ordained to its increase democratic institutions beyond its own borders and into North America, and Manifest Destiny was given as the support for this belief. It was considered that this expansion would give the United States a strong moral right to govern throughout North America, where the belief was not respected. One way of describing the concept is that set forth by William E. Weeks. He proposed that there were three themes within Manifest Destiny. The first was the virtue of Americans and their institutions, the second was that these institutions had a mission to aid America in restructuring the entire world and finally the third was that this was inevitable and a matter of destiny. One area where the concept of Manifest Destiny played a major role was during the time in which Texas announced independence from Mexico and planned to join as a new state in United States of America. According to O'Sullivan, this was the crucial time in the p rocess of expansion for the United States, as new policy had been created which meant that any state that was independent could request entry into the Union. This legislation worked in favor of those who believed in Manifest Destiny. However, the concept was not widely accepted. For example, not all American’s believed that the country should expand in such a way. In addition, the expansion of the Americans within the United States had a significantly negative impact on the Native Americans, as their land was being encroached on.

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