Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Reflection - 1425 Words
In the 2015-2016 school year, I taught one section of a 6th grade gifted course. I was new to the curriculum, the course, and the activities that we were doing. Prior to the start of that year, there was a couple of 60 in 60 sessions which were designed to expose us to a number of different new technologies. Being interested in technology, I picked up a couple of ideas, like Sway, Edpuzzle, and Nearpod and tried to incorporate them into the new lessons I was trying to teach. However, by being a novice to the course, there was no continuity to the technology in the activities that we completed. Throughout the course, I taught the 8 steps to the research process as students worked to complete a more focused, centered approach to†¦show more content†¦This website is organized by each of the 8 steps and then depending on the activities and the amount of time we are spending on each step I’ve included subpages. As I said on the first page of the website, I want this to be a resource for students to use during and even after we’ve learned a certain skill. I also have enjoyed using Weebly as it is giving me a better understanding of the tool as I encourage my 8th grade classes to use Weebly to make their websites. This way, I am able to show my 6th graders the website platform and excite them to let them know what they could do themselves as they will be creating their own website like the one they are using in this class. For the planning portion of the website, I’ve chosen to incorporate a survey form for students to fill out to understand their prior knowledge of research. Many students feel that they have already done what I am going to teach them, however, research comes in many levels and the level to which I require them to complete is very different than what they have done in the past. We’ll be able to review the information that they give in order to showcase what research can be. Following that discussion, I plan on having students use the Blendspace that I created to explore the 8 steps of the Pennridge research process. That way, they will understand the terms and have some knowledgeShow MoreRelatedReflection1650 Words  | 7 PagesIan-Bradley Tancred This essay analyses and describes what reflection is and how it supports your personal and professional learning. It elaborates upon how and why recognizing your strengths and weaknesses are important and how they can enh ance lifelong learning. It describes what arguments and assertions are, what the differences are between them and which one is better. Debnath describes reflection as a means of self-examination to learn from knowledge and experiences which will help transformRead MoreReflection1479 Words  | 6 PagesReflections Both simple and complex reflections were used. A simple reflection used towards the beginning of the interview transpired into, â€Å"pretty active out doing a lot of things.†Alternatively, a complex reflection used when reflecting on Sarah’s feelings about what her friends think about her not socializing subsisted of, â€Å"it bothers you thinking about them, wondering about your intentions.†I used twice as many complex reflections as simple reflections. Unfortunately, I should have usedRead MoreReflection On The Word Reflection 701 Words  | 3 PagesFor me the word ‘reflection’ means taking time to really dig deep into my thoughts, to contemplate something meaningful and significant, to make a decision that often involves me and my future. It has a personal and emotional connection. Daudelin (1996) uses the word ‘reflection’ to encourage managers to create time to recognise the value of learning from past and current work s ituations (‘experience’) and to adapt this learning to new situations. I would prefer to choose the words ‘thought’ or ‘consideration’Read MoreReflection1218 Words  | 5 PagesReflection on your personal development Reflection is a major factor in developing self-awareness to improve services provided to everyone around me, this is to develop my own understanding in realising the good and bad made previously. Moving forward with a better understanding, as well as rectifying the mistake whilst recognizing the good points, (Horton-Deutsch and Sherwood, 2008). Working in a domiciliary setting and visiting vulnerable adults within their homes, I am constantly tryingRead Morereflection703 Words  | 3 Pageshelpful/ inspiring. Your completed template form and content should be a CRITICAL reflection of the paper/ chapter content but NOT merely summarize what you have read. TEMPLATE FOR REFLECTIONS ON EXPERIENCES DATE: PLACE: The experience 1. What experience are you reflecting on (class session, project group meeting, particular piece of reading, other)? Give a brief account of this experience. 2. 3. Reflections on Experience 4. 2. Looking back, what was particularly memorable/ interestingRead MoreReflection Of Illusion1635 Words  | 7 Pages Shattering a Reflection of Illusion I stare blankly at the blinking caret. Propped up snugly against three quilted pillows and one calculus textbook is my laptop. To be more specific, a laptop opened to an empty Microsoft Word document. Writing a speech is no easy task, but writing a valedictory address is like playing darts with spaghetti. Humbly accepting the position as the class valedictorian, I have been graced with the task of writing an excerpt that would fill my classmates’ hearts withRead MoreNursing reflection.12855 Words  | 52 PagesReflective Essay This essay will look at reflection on a critical incident that has promoted a positive outcome. It is not a very major incident but it stands out as it has a potential for learning. This essay will identify and explain Johns (1994) model of reflection and explain what reflection is and why reflective practice is necessary and how it can be used. Schone (1983) recommended reflection on critical incidence as a valuable term, sited in Ghaye and Lillyman (1997) a critical incidentRead MoreReflection Essay1616 Words  | 7 Pagesintegral part of nursing. It will also demonstrate how reflection enabled me to make sense of and learn from this experience, as well as identify any further learning developments needed to improve my practice and achieve the level of competency needed for when I qualify as an assistant practitioner. While discussing the knowledge underpinning practice, evidence based literature will be reviewed to support my discussion and for the purpose of reflection the essay will be written in the first person. SpouseRead MoreReflection On Self Development Through Reflection1854 Words  | 8 Pagesthrough reflection is a key issue of education and learning (Kennison, 2012), where you learn through experience (Tashiro, Shimpuku, Naruse and Matsutani, 2013), learn to self-evaluate (Duffy, 2013), identify gaps in knowledge and detect where further training or study is required to improve practice (Olarerin, 2013). Ultimately reflection is thought to be constant learning from practice, thus refining knowledge and experiences and putting them into practice (Naidoo, 2013). Within my reflection examplesRead MoreReflection Essay781 Words  | 4 PagesI determined that I needed a new interest, something to keep my mind engaged and challenged. I enrolled in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) through the Columbia Southern University (CSU) just for fulfillment. This reflection assignment exercise proves to be the catalyst for my future college endeavors. The assignment to reflect on DBA program dreamed of taking steps towards realizing those ideas and course accomplishments right now. Due to time some course assignments, I will embrace,
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of Joyce Carol Oatess Where Are You Going,...
Charles Baudelaire once said, â€Å"la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader quil nexiste pas. (the devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist).†The deceit that Connie experiences throughout the story influences the behaviors and perspectives that she has on her own life, changing the initial thoughts that she had towards her family. In the short story, â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie encountered a guy named Eddie where they spent a few hours in a restaurant that later led them to being in an alley. Though this moment seemed to of little significance to Connie, an incident with a strange man, Arnold Friend, later on in the story left Connie with an unsettling†¦show more content†¦This insecurity makes Connie quite vulnerable to the will of others, making her desirable for all the wrong reasons. One night Connie went on a date with a guy named Eddie where the id of her pers onality begins to show, reflecting her true desires for romance and excitement and breaking the constraints of superego in order to seek satisfaction. Nothing of this date seemed to be out of the ordinary until she left the restaurant, â€Å"... Just at that moment she happened to glance at a face just a few feet from hers. It was a boy with shaggy black hair†¦ He wagged a finger and laughed and said ‘gonna get you, baby†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1). Connie did not think anything of the portentous experience with the guy until she was left home alone one Sunday afternoon. The guy before, later introduces himself as Arnold Friend, makes an appearance at her house, asking for Connie’s company. With a little bit of hesitance, Connie continues to socialize with Arnold who seems to know more than a little about her and her personal life. He appears to be very charming and appealing yet the fact that he happens to know everything about her gave Connie a moment of realization that he was not so delightful. The conversation between Connie and Arnold shows details of the ego and id in regards to control. Although the interaction between the two show no more than simply speaking, Connie feels more and more powerless as the conversation continues. She resists the temptation of her id when sheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Joyce Carol Oatess Short StoryWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been?1256 Words  | 6 PagesComing of Age Joyce Carol Oatess short story, â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†was written in 1966 and twenty years later was made into a movie entitled Smooth Talk by Joyce Chopra, winner of the 1985 U.S. Film Festival for best dramatic picture. The writing by Oates is loosely based on a true story known as â€Å"The Pied Piper of Tucson.†The most significant differences based on the story and movie are the father-daughter relationship with Connie and Chopra’s changing the mother’s attitudeRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been By Joyce Carol Oates990 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Reality: An Analysis of â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†by Joyce Carol Oates Joyce Carol Oates has kept her true inspiration behind â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†in order to create a willing suspension of disbelief between realism and fantasy. The short story by Oates was released soon after the newspaper published the murders committed by Charles Schmid Jr. in 1966. The story displays numerous resembling details that match the real-life murder case involving â€Å"TheRead MoreSummary Of Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?854 Words  | 4 Pagesagainst Arnold Friend because of her lack of knowledge and the impact of American culture. The mother-daughter relationship plays a significant role in the story because had Connie and her mother communicated better, Connie, who is still a child, would have be protected from the evil of the world. Barstow also points out that the modern American is unable to distinguish evil from good. Evaluation: This article is useful to me because Barstow effectively shows the theme of loss innocence by using thoroughRead More Criticisms of Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? By Joyce Oates1950 Words  | 8 Pages A short story by Joyce Carol Oates called â€Å"Where are you going, where have you been?†reflects the writer’s point of view of the way society looked to women in the sixties. The story takes place in the 1960’s when almost everything reached a turning point at that time. It talks about a teenager who wanted boys’ attention, but she ended up leaving her family house with a stranger. Connie represented most teenage girls, and their destiny at that time. The story can be looked at from many differentRead MoreEssay about Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been1290 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been,†written by Joyce Carol Oates is an unsettling and incredibly formidable story of a young woman’s loss of innocence during a time of social change and turbulent times. The story’s protagonist is Connie, a self-absorbed, yet beautiful fifteen year old girl, who not only is at odds with her family but a lso the conservative values handed down by her family. She, unknowing to her parents, spends her evenings exploring her independence and individuality as wellRead MoreJoyce Carol OatessWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been?1098 Words  | 5 PagesFiction Analysis Paper: Where are you going, where have you been? Joyce Carol Oates’s Where are you going, where have you been? is a post-modernist story. The primary theme is childhood versus adulthood. The story explores Connie’s, the main character’s, ambivalence about adulthood. The plot of the story builds the theme. Throughout the story, Connie believes that she is playing 2 personas. One that is child-like, and innocent, and another that is lascivious and â€Å"adult-like†to the extent that sheRead MoreA Continued Study Of The Real Life Story Behind2311 Words  | 10 PagesDiana Dean ENG 1102 Sandra Rourke December 7, 2014 A CONTINUED STUDY OF THE REAL LIFE STORY BEHIND â€Å"WHERE ARE YOU GOING, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?†AND OF SERIAL KILLERS IN GENERAL The name of the man behind Joyce Carol Oates’s short story, â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†is Charles Schmid, Jr. or â€Å"Smitty†as he was called by most everyone who knew him. I use both names interchangeably. The names of Schmid’s victims were Alleen Rowe whom he killed on May 31, 1964, with the help of two
Monday, December 9, 2019
Women on men (and vice versa) Essay Example For Students
Women on men (and vice versa) Essay Women on men (and vicversa) Toward the end of Arnold Weskers new play Three Women Talking, a slightly tipsy character named Claire Dawn Hope delivers a long speech at an all-female dinner party. Introduced mock-portentously as the Puzaltski story, the speech is a vulgar joke about a wife who fills in for her football-player husband on his last game with the team. Injured heroically on the field, shes hauled off to the locker room, where the trainer, incapable of believing a woman could have performed so superbly, pushes down on her breasts and assures her that as soon as I getcha balls back into place your prick will come out of hiding, trust me! Though the rest of its conversation generally takes place on a more elevated level, Three Women Talking never strays from the topics embodied in the Puzaltski story. The two-act comedy-drama currently receiving its premiere, not in Weskers home base of England but at Northlight Theatre in the Chicgo suburb of Evanstonis permeated by themes of competition and violence (primarily psychological). It explores thhe experience of being an outsider (Wesker says his Jewishness makes him an alien voice in the British theatre), womens painful efforts to assert themselves on the male-dominated playing field of society, and mens tendency to ignore womens distinctive sexual and emotional characteristicsand their power. The Puzaltski story, with its topic of cross-gender impersonation, also leads to the question of a male playwrights ability to put himself in womens positions. Wesker says his intention was to write a play about the way women talk about men. I know what youre going to ask: |How do you presume to say you know how women talk? I never know what to say to that. There were strong women in my life. My mother, my sister, four aunts, some special cousinsI prefer women. Nearly all my plays have women as central characters. Theyre more courageous, intense. The characters in Three Women Talking, male and female, are certainly intense. The play might more accurately be called Three Couples Talking, though the couples are estranged. The men speak first, in a series of short monologues: Leo, a 44-year-old financial analyst, is in anguish because his wife Mischa has left him; Montcrieff, a 55-year-old writer, rambles on to an imagined mistress about his ex-wife Minerva, whom he left five years earlier; Vincent, a rising Labor Party politician, rehearses for an upcoming television interview. It is to watch Vincents interview that the three women have gathered over dinner at Mischas apartment. The hostess (Carmen Roman), 42, is an academic of Eastern European Jewish ancestry; Mineva (Mary Ann Thebus) is a 50-year-old businesswoman and disillusioned ex-feminist; and Claire (Margo Buchanan), a 39-year-old political researcher, is the recently discarded mistress of Vincent, who dumped her to preserve the family-man image necessary to his political career. An embittered anti-idealist, Claire seems the most proper and least earthy of the three women; but, like the Mrs. Puzaltski of her joke, she reveals an unsuspected capacity for getting down and dirty when the game gets rough. Nevertheless, Three Women Talking is very much a play of ideas. Wesker, who came to prominence in the late 1950s and early 60s with such plays as Roots, The Kitchen and Chips with Everything, thinks internationally, yet feels domestically, the late British critic Kenneth Tynan once wrote. Despite its homey settings including the mock-living room set of the TV talkshow Vincent appears on Three Women Talking addresses far-reaching issues: possible war between Islamic theocracies and Western societies that lack a unifying religious ideology; the Holocaust; and the scientific theory of chaos. Weskers characters toss about educated references to high and low culture ranging from the Bible to John Ruskin, from Singin in the Rain to Shakespeare. Mostly, though, the characters talk about sexual relationships from the raw realities of physical intercourse to the most perverse ambiguities of love, hate, faith and betrayal. The first words out of a womans mouth are commonplace hyperbole: Men! Theyre all the same! Intechangeable! sneers the disenchanted Minerva. The play then proceeds to disprove ber by laying bare the myriad inconsistencies of all its characters. Minervas put-down of men as interchangeable also functions as a theatrical joke: While the women are played by three different actresses, the men are portrayed by a single actor, David Downs. At the plays climax, Downs performs a trio with himself, as Montcrieff holds the stage in a long speech about wishing he could give birth to give meaning to this hopeless, helpless, weird and wonderful life while Leo is heard on tape and Vincent is seen and heard on videotape. This device was conceived last summer when Northlights artistic director, Russell Vandenbroucke, traveled to Weskers home in Wales for woodshedding sessions. (The relationship between Wesker and Northlight was established in 1988, when the theatre presented Weskers 1976 Love Letters on Blue Paper.) I like the idea as a theatrical coup, says Wesker. It also means the actor as a substantial role. But what does Wesker really think about ideas like Claires assertion, Men are for manipulating. Why else were we given tears? I think women often say things like that, he shrugs. And at a certain level its true. There are unpleasant characteristics which men hold in common. And there are unpleasant characteristics which women hold in common. I didnt |research this play but I hearr women talking about men. Its sort of an accumulation of observations over the years. Some of it is imagined, of course. I projected myself into these personalities. I really dont think characters live on the stage unless they have substance, so I endow my characters with ideas, Wesker adds. Sometimes the ideas these characters express are confused with the ideas of the playwright. They shouldnt be. Still, its hard not to hear the writers own self-examination echoed in the words of his character Montcrieff, who longs to experience the uniquely female process of birth and says hes cursed with this infantile obsession to produce. That leads to a riff on the subject of literature. What is it Scavenging! A writer is a vulture that picks at the dead and the partly living.And when Ive got it all down in a book I go into a marketplace and I take it out of my pocket like a vendor of dirty little postcards, slightly ashamed. You wanna look-see? You buy? Cheap and lovely literature! 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Limiting Childrens Access To Internet Pornography Essays
Limiting Children's Access To Internet Pornography Limiting Children's Access To Internet Pornography Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi-nude photos to videos of men and women having sexual intercourse with farm animals. Porn is attainable by going to a site that advertises it, or by typing anything remotely perverted in your web browser. The problem with this is that most pornographic sites do not use adult verification systems. Even if they do, the material can still be sampled before users fully journey into the site. This is where the problems lye; because of Internet pornography's popularity and the growth being so strong it is everywhere and has become hard to adequately control. It is probable to say that anyone who has been on the net long enough, regardless of age, will come across Internet pornography. Proprietors of Internet pornography are in business to make money, and will do anything to achieve this. They advertise their websites by a variety of ways, one of which is by buying space on a website. With this many problems arise, for anyone who visits these sites become unwilling subjects of Internet porn. The Internet porn industry has little regards for the unknowing victim. Some advocates of decency have taken up the tremendous workload of taming Internet pornography. Their biggest reason is the endangerment of American children that use the Internet. Children can be endangered in many ways, one of which is being lured by a pedophile and possibly sexually assaulted. A pedophile is an adult with a psychosexual disorder where children stimulate sexual arousal. There is evidence that children who have been sexually victimized are more likely to be troubled adults. Advocates worry about the safety of the American children and wish to eliminate this from happening. A recent example is People v. Barrows, 174 Misc. 2d 367, 664 N.Y.S. 2d 410 (1997): an adult, James Barrows, entered an AOL chat room and seduced what he thought was a thirteen year old girl, who in actuality was an officer of Kings County District Attorney. Barrows had transmitted pictures of under-aged children having sex, engaged in sexually explicit conversations and attempted to lure the child to engage in sexual acts. Barrows was one of the few pedophiles to be caught and brought to justice. One proposal that was struck down from protecting children is the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States, argued that the CDA was in violation of the U.S. Constitution and laws that would be enacted were clear and undefined. If made into law, the CDA could severely censor the Internet in ways that were never attempted before. It would filter out anything that is deemed obscene and pornographic. Those opposed to the CDA claim because of its ambiguity, the CDA could infringe on American's Constitutional rights. The CDA proposed that anyone sending material classified as obscene to a minor would be penalized and prosecuted under law. The question in debate is who and what would determine the classification of obscene. Even if the CDA was passed little that can be done to stop all transmitted obscene material. The Internet has experienced an extraordinary growth. The number of host computers?those that store information and relay communications?increased from about 300 in 1981 to approximately 9,400,000 by the time of the trial in 1996. Roughly 60% of these hosts are located in the United States. About 40 million people used the Internet at the time of trial, a number that expected to mushroom to 200 million by 2000. How can it be possible to regulate all Internet transmissions with user numbers at 200 million? Another problem that arises is the fact that not all Internet sites can quantifiably prove that the user wishing to browse their domain is of legal age. An annoy-mailer can be used to hide the identity of the user. Some sites require the use of a credit card in order to view its contents, but credit card numbers are easy
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Performance Appraisals         We have researched performance appraisals by reviewing literature
Performance Appraisals         We have researched performance appraisals by reviewing literature Performance Appraisals We have researched performance appraisals by reviewing literature on the subject . We found several similarities between the two and a few differences, all of which is discussed in the following analysis. The most obvious purpose of a performance appraisal system is as a decision aid. Performance appraisals provide a basis for deciding who should be promoted, terminated, given a raise, and so forth. It is an important part of consideration in making a wide range of personnel decisions in most organizations, and it benefits both the organization and the individual.Performance Appraisals gives the employee the opportunity to discuss performance and performance standards regularly with the supervisor. It provides the supervisor with a means of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employees performance, and it provides a format so he/she can recommend a specific program designed to help an employee improve their performance. Also, it can provide a basis f or salary recommendations so that employees can make justified earnings.Composite Flipcharts: From Chaos to Creative: Per...Environmental issues are all the surrounding factors that come into play when doing a performance appraisal. These issues have to be considered in performance appraisals because they can contaminate the interview in negative ways. Different variables such as standards used to evaluate performance, the definition of what constitutes performance, frequency of appraisals, supervisor-subordinate relationships, and the consequences of high or low evaluations. All these factors thrown together can influence the appraisal interview in different directions. For examples, if you are good friends with your boss and he/she gives you the P.A. interview, the chances are you will get a positive review regardless if your performance is poor. Or perhaps one employee has better resources and higher output than yourself, and as a result gets a better performance review.Other ap praisal failures come from managers not taking the...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Quick Tour of Art Through the Ages
A Quick Tour of Art Through the Ages Put on your sensible shoes as we embark on an extremely abbreviated tour of art through the ages. The purpose of this piece is to hit the highlights and provide you with the barest of basics on the different eras in Art History. Prehistoric Eras 30,000-10,000 BC - Paleolithic peoples were strictly hunter-gatherers, and life was tough. Humans made a gigantic leap in abstract thinking and began creating art. Subject matter concentrated on two things: food, as seen in Cave Art, and the necessity to create more humans. 10,000-8000 BC - The ice began retreating and life got a little easier. The Mesolithic period (which lasted longer in northern Europe than it did in the Middle East) saw painting move out of the caves and onto the rocks. Painting also became more symbolic and abstract. 8000-3000 BC - Fast forward to the Neolithic age, complete with agriculture and domesticated animals. Now that food was more plentiful, people had time to invent useful tools like writing and measuring. The measuring part must have come in handy for the megalith builders. Ethnographic Art - It should be noted that stone age art continued to flourish around the world for a number of cultures, right up to the present. Ethnographic is a handy term that here means: Not going the way of Western art. Ancient Civilizations 3500-331 BC - Mesopotamia - The land between the rivers saw an amazing number of cultures rise to - and fall from - power. The Sumerians gave us ziggurats, temples, and lots of sculptures of gods. More importantly, they unified natural and formal elements in art. The Akkadians introduced the victory stele, whose carvings forever remind us of their prowess in battle. The Babylonians improved upon the stele, using it to record the first uniform code of law. The Assyrians ran wild with architecture and sculpture, both in relief and in-the-round. Eventually, it was the Persians who put the whole area - and its art - on the map, as they conquered adjacent lands. 3200-1340 BC - Egypt - Art in ancient Egypt was art for the dead. The Egyptians built tombs, pyramids (elaborate tombs), the Sphinx (a tomb) and decorated tombs with colorful pictures of the gods they believed ruled in the afterlife. 3000-1100 BC - The Aegean - The Minoan culture, on Crete, and the Mycenaeans in Greece brought us frescos, open and airy architecture, and marble idols. Classical Civilizations 800-323 BC - Greece - The Greeks introduced humanistic education, which is reflected in their art. Ceramics, painting, architecture, and sculpture evolved into elaborate, highly crafted and decorated objects which glorified the greatest creation of all: humans. 6th-5th centuries BC - The Etruscans - On the Italian peninsula, the Etruscans embraced the Bronze Age in a big way, producing sculptures notable for being stylized, ornamental and full of implied motion. They were also enthusiastic producers of tombs and sarcophagi, not unlike the Egyptians. 509 BC-337 AD - The Romans - As they rose to prominence, the Romans first attempted to wipe out Etruscan art, followed by numerous attacks on Greek art. Borrowing freely from these two conquered cultures, the Romans created their own style, one which increasingly stood for power. Architecture became monumental, sculptures depicted re-named gods, goddesses, and prominent Citizens and, in painting, the landscape was introduced and frescos became enormous. 1st Century-c. 526 - Early Christian Art Early Christian art falls into two categories: that of the Period of Persecution (up to the year 323) and that which came after Constantine the Great recognized Christianity: the Period of Recognition. The first is known primarily for construction of catacombs, and portable art which could be hidden. The second period is marked by the active construction of churches, mosaics, and the rise of book-making. Sculpture was demoted to works in relief only (anything else would have been deemed graven images). c. 526-1390 - Byzantine Art Not an abrupt transition, as the dates imply, the Byzantine style gradually diverged from Early Christian art, just as the Eastern Church grew farther apart from the Western. Byzantine art is characterized by being more abstract and symbolic, and less concerned with any pretense of depth - or the force of gravity - being apparent in paintings or mosaics. Architecture became quite complicated and domes predominated. 622-1492 - Islamic Art To this day, Islamic art is known for being highly decorative. Its motifs translate beautifully from a chalice to a rug, to the Alhambra. Islam has prohibitions against idolatry, and weve little pictorial history as a result. 375-750 - Migration Art These years were quite chaotic in Europe, as barbarian tribes sought (and sought, and sought) places in which to settle. Frequent wars erupted and constant ethnic relocation was the norm. Art during this period was necessarily small and portable, usually in the form of decorative pins or bracelets. The shining exception to this dark age in art occurred in Ireland, which had the great fortune of escaping invasion. For a time. 750-900 - The Carolingian Period Charlemagne built an empire that didnt outlast his bickering and inept grandsons, but the cultural revival the empire spawned proved more durable. Monasteries became as small cities where manuscripts were mass-produced. Goldsmithing and the use of precious and semi-precious stones were in vogue. 900-1002 - The Ottonian Period The Saxon king, Otto I, decided he could succeed where Charlemagne failed. This didnt work out either, but Ottonian art, with its heavy Byzantine influences, breathed new life into sculpture, architecture, and metalwork. 1000-1150 - Romanesque Art For the first time in history, art is described by a term other than the name of a culture or civilization. Europe was becoming more of a cohesive entity, being held together by Christianity and feudalism. The invention of the barrel vault allowed churches to become cathedrals, sculpture became an integral part of the architecture, and painting continued mainly in illuminated manuscripts. 1140-1600 - Gothic Art Gothic was first coined to (derogatorily) describe this eras style of architecture, which chugged on long after sculpture and painting had left its company. The gothic arch allowed great, soaring cathedrals to be built, which were then decorated with the new technology of stained glass. During this period, too, we begin to learn more individual names of painters and sculptors - most of whom seem anxious to put all things Gothic behind them. In fact, beginning around 1200, all sorts of wild artistic innovations started taking place in Italy. 1400-1500 - Fifteenth-Century Italian Art This was the Golden Age of Florence. Its most powerful family, the Medici (bankers and benevolent dictators), lavishly spent endless funds for the glory and beautification of their Republic. Artists flocked in for a share of the largess, built, sculpted, painted and began actively questioning rules of art. Art, in turn, became noticeably more individualized. 1495-1527 - The High Renaissance All of the recognized masterpieces from the lump term Renaissance were created during these years. Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and company made such surpassing masterpieces, in fact, that nearly every artist, forever after, didnt even try to paint in this style. The good news was that, because of these Renaissance Greats, being an artist was now considered acceptable. 1520-1600 - Mannerism Here we have another first: an abstract term for an artistic era. Renaissance artists, after the death of Raphael, continued to refine painting and sculpture but they did not seek a new style of their own. Instead, they created in the technical manner of their predecessors. 1325-1600 - The Renaissance in Northern Europe It did occur, but not in clearly defined steps as was the case in Italy. Countries and kingdoms were busy jockeying for prominence (fighting), and there was that notable break with the Catholic Church. Art took a back seat to these other happenings, and styles moved from Gothic to Renaissance to Baroque in sort of a non-cohesive, artist-by-artist basis. 1600-1750 - Baroque Art Humanism, the Renaissance and the Reformation (among other factors) worked together to leave the Middle Ages forever behind, and art became accepted by the masses. Artists of the Baroque period introduced human emotions, passion, and new scientific understanding to their works - many of which retained religious themes, regardless of which Church the artists held dear. 1700-1750 - The Rococo In what some would deem an ill-advised move, Rococo took Baroque art from feast for the eyes to outright visual gluttony. If art or architecture could be gilded, embellished or otherwise taken over the top, Rococo ferociously added these elements. As a period, it was (mercifully) brief. 1750-1880 - Neo-Classicism vs. Romanticism Things had loosened up enough, by this era, that two different styles could compete for the same market. Neo-classicism was characterized by faithful study (and copy) of the classics, combined with the use of elements brought to light by the new science of archaeology. Romanticism, on the other hand, defied easy characterization. It was more of an attitude, one made acceptable by the Enlightenment and dawning of social consciousness. Of the two, Romanticism had far more impact on the course of art from this time forward. 1830s-1870 - Realism Oblivious to the above two movements, the Realists emerged (first quietly, then quite loudly) with the conviction that history had no meaning and artists shouldnt render anything that they hadnt, personally, experienced. In an effort to experience things they became involved in social causes and, not surprisingly, often found themselves on the wrong side of Authority. Realistic art increasingly detached itself from form and embraced light and color. 1860s-1880 - Impressionism Where Realism moved away from form, Impressionism threw form out the window. The Impressionists lived up to their name (which they themselves certainly hadnt coined): Art was an impression, and as such could be rendered wholly through light and color. The world was first outraged by their effrontery, then accepting. With acceptance came the end of Impressionism as a movement. Mission accomplished, art was free to spread out now in any way it chose. The Impressionists changed everything when their art was accepted. From this point on, artists had free rein to experiment. Even if the public loathed the results, it was still Art, and thus accorded a certain respect. Movements, schools, and styles - in dizzying number - came, went, diverged from one another and sometimes melded. Theres no way, really, to accord all of these entities even a brief mention here, so we will now cover only a few of the better-known names. 1885-1920 - Post-Impressionism This is a handy title for what wasnt a movement, but a group of artists (CÃ ©zanne, Van Gogh, Seurat, and Gauguin, primarily) who moved past Impressionism and on to other, separate endeavors. They kept the light and color Impressionism bought but tried to put some of the other elements of art - form, and line, for example - back in art. 1890-1939 - The Fauves and Expressionism The Fauves (wild beasts) were French painters led by Matisse and Rouault. The movement they created, with its wild colors and depictions of primitive objects and people, became known as Expressionism and spread, notably, to Germany. 1905-1939 - Cubism and Futurism Picasso and Braque, in France, invented Cubism, where organic forms were broken down into a series of geometric shapes. Their invention would prove elemental to the Bauhaus in coming years, as well as inspiring the first modern abstract sculpture. Meanwhile, in Italy, Futurism was formed. What began as a literary movement moved into a style of art that embraced machines and the industrial age. 1922-1939 - Surrealism Surrealism was all about uncovering the hidden meaning of dreams and expressing the subconscious. It was no coincidence that Freud had already published his ground-breaking psychoanalytical studies prior to this movements emergence. 1945-Present - Abstract Expressionism World War II (1939-1945) interrupted any new movements in art, but art came back with a vengeance in 1945. Emerging from a world torn apart, Abstract Expressionism discarded everything - including recognizable forms - except self-expression and raw emotion. Late 1950s-Present - Pop and Op Art In a reaction against Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art glorified the most mundane aspects of American culture and called them art. It was fun art, though. And in the happening mid-60s, Op (an abbreviated term for optical illusion) Art came on the scene, just in time to mesh nicely with the psychedelic music. 1970s-Present In the last thirty-odd years, art has changed at lightning speed. Weve seen the advent of performance art, conceptual art, digital art, and shock art, to name but a few new offerings. As we move toward a more global culture, our art reminds us of our collective and respective pasts. The technology with which youre reading this article will surely be improved upon and, as it is, we can all keep (nearly instantly) abreast of whatever comes next in arts history.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Who Are Guilt for School Shootings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Who Are Guilt for School Shootings - Essay Example Bullying can happen at school and also in the social media; it is perpetrated on sites such as Facebook or Twitter. The victim feels tortured and humiliated. The bullies are often school or classmates who have the intent of embarrassing or humiliating their colleagues. They do so by posting hatred messages about their victims on the internet. When that happens, the victim undergoes severe emotional pain. To make the matter worse, the victim finds it hard to remove such hatred messages from the internet. As a result, they feel the whole world knows about what has been said about them. Adults take little notice of such messages and their impacts. Thus, the perpetrators seek ways of revenging. They finally resort to attacking their bullies by shooting to end the pain inflicted on them.School shootings take place because the perpetrators do not value life. Their perspective of life is entirely distorted by their beliefs. In most cases, they face challenges in initiating social relationsh ips. For example, some of them do not have good friends. However, they desire to be sociable, but they encounter difficulties in initiating or sustaining social relationships. The potential friends may not want to associate with them. Peer groups also distance themselves from them. As a result, they feel isolated. At home or school, the parents or teachers may fail to notice the social isolation faced by such students. Thus, there will be no one to provide immediate solutions or strategies of overcoming the isolation. Therefore, the isolated students look for ways of punishing people around them.School shootings occur because the perpetrators have mental problems. Some perpetrators with anxiety feel that the world is against them. They tend to develop the fear of the unknown. They have the feeling that they are powerless and unable to change what happens in their lives. Other perpetrators with mania have impaired reasoning about the things that happen around them. They have the feel ing that other people hate them. They also have a fear of failing in everything they do particularly at school. Thus, they feel the only option at their disposal is to lash out at others to show or make them feel a similar pain.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Research Paper Example Our subject belongs to the last stage, teenager. The physical size is normal for the Asian race. His vital signs are presumed normal since he was dancing with his friends at the park. Their group is composed of dance enthusiasts. I cannot assume about his organ development. But looking at his physically, nothing seemed to be abnormal. He dances well and this shows that his vision and hearing are refined. The subject’s developmental stage showed his capability to function normally. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development The Swiss biologist and psychologist Jean Piaget observed his children and in the end developed a four-stage model of how the mind processes new information met. He speculated that children improve through 4 stages and they all do in the same order. The four stages of Piaget’s cognitive development include sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operations, and formal operations. Our subject belongs to the formal operations stage which includes ages 11 to 15. The cognition is in its final form. Our subject no longer needs concrete objects to make reasonable and logical judgments. He is already competent of hypothetical and deductive reasoning.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Current Events in Business Research Essay Example for Free
Current Events in Business Research Essay INTRODUCTION There are six basic stages to the research process. Stage 1 is clarifying the research question. This would be the process in identifying the problem that is prompting the research. Stage 2 is proposing research, which would be the act of identifying the resources necessary to do the research. The third stage is designing the research project, or deciding which method to use to gather the information. Stage 4 involves data collection and preparation, which is gathering the data and making it ready to be evaluated. Stage 5 would be the data analysis and interpretation stage. Stage 5 is defining what the data is saying about the problem. The final stage, stage 6 is reporting the results. This is breaking down the interpretation into a presentation that shows the meaning of the data collected. (Cooper Schindler, 2014) This is the process used by Paramount Pictures recently when it was in contract negotiations with the DVD rental company, Redbox. THE DILEMMA As the major Hollywood studios took sides for and against Redbox, Paramount Pictures was staying neutral. The studio had signed a first-of-its-kind trial deal guaranteeing that its titles will be available from the fast-growing $1-a-night DVD rental company through the end of the year. During that time, Paramount would study the effect of Redbox rentals on its total home-entertainment revenue, examining whether there is any decrease in the sales of its DVDs at stores that house Redbox kiosks. Under the terms of the agreement, Paramount would have the option at the end of the year to trigger a five-year deal with Redbox similar to ones recently struck with competitors Sony Pictures and Lionsgate. The estimated value of the agreement was $575 million. Redbox President Mitch Lowe agreed because Paramount movies performed better at the box office that year. A Paramount agreement would give the studio a share of rental revenue, meaning it could earn more than $575 million if its movies prove popular. Sony and Lionsgate are selling their discs wholesale to Redbox. Though it doesnt have a formal deal with the company, Walt Disney Studios allows its wholesalers to sell discs to Redbox as well. (Fritz, 2009) There has been a lot of debate in the industry about the impact Redbox is having and will have, and we felt the best way to make a decision is by getting the information, said Paramount Vice Chairman Rob Moore. Then we can make an informed decision based on what we will have learned over the next four months. Guaranteed access to Paramount’s movies was important for Redbox. The studio released two of that summers biggest movies, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Star Trek.(Fritz, 2009) A movie that plays well in the theaters tends to do well when it is available to rent. Rental revenue could also provide a much-needed boost to the bottom line of Paramount. Lowe said he was confident that providing detailed data to Paramount would help resolve the heated disputes in Hollywood about his companys effect on the entertainment business. Lowe has previously said his companys research found that DVD sales dropped less than 1% in stores that installed a Redbox kiosk. Many studios do their own analysis that we know is not as reliable and is aimed at coming to the answer they want to hear, he said. We find that when we can form a relationship with a studio and share real data, it results in a positive step forward. Moore said he hadnt reached any definitive conclusions as to what steps he would take if the data showed that Redbox rentals do in fact reduce overall revenue. So, the dilemma that Paramount has is whether or not partnering with Redbox will reduce its sales income more than it will increase its rental revenue. THE PROCESS Paramount and Redbox did the research to determine whether or not rentals available the same day to buy decreased the sales revenue any more or less than those studios who decided to wait 28 days to make them available. Despite some content executives recently having touted the benefits of a 28-day window for DVD titles, Coinstar Inc.’s CEO Paul Davis said the companys own research showed Redbox Automated Retail LLC kiosks have a minimal impact on DVD sales. We did a major study, a little over a year ago, with a major studio and a major retailer and we found that the impact on new product sales as a result of our $1-a-night being out there, day and date, was less than 1%, Redbox worked closely with Paramount, and they did a lot of testing as well, and the fact that they decided to go with day and date (of release) I think speaks volumes.(James, 2010) CONCLUSION After reviewing the data collected by themselves and Redbox in 2009, Paramount Pictures made their decision. In June, 2010, Paramount exercised its option to extend its revenue-sharing license agreement with Redbox, which gives Redbox access to Paramount’s newly released DVDs and Blu-ray titles on the same day they are released in the sell-through market. Paramount’s extended agreement with Redbox runs until the end of 2014, though the studio will had the option to terminate the agreement early at the end of 2011. (James, 2010) As a result of the research, Davis thought that studios that have the 28-day window might opt to tweak their Redbox agreements to get certain DVD titles out for rental sooner. Especially as more and more data gets out there and as the studios that have opted for the 28-day window, as they have a year or so to look at the data, see how its impacted their new product sales it could move that we get some titles earlier, he said.(James, 2010) The process that Paramount and Redbox used, and the data they collected, could prove to be useful data to the other studios as to whether or not they should wait the 28 days. Reference Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business Research Methods (12th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. Fritz, B. (2009, Aug 26). COMPANY TOWN; paramount to give redbox a spin. Los Angeles Times Retrieved from James, S. B. (2010). Impact of day-and-date redbox rentals on DVD sales less than 1%. SNL Kagan Media Communications Report, Retrieved from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How the Relation of the Camera to the Real is Problematized in The Thin
How the Relation of the Camera to the Real is Problematized in â€Å"The Thin Blue Line†and â€Å"Yuki Yukite Shingun†Documentary films can include every type of discourse about the real world. The accomplishments of nonfiction film are derived from more than the stereotypical edited interview segment, and recently have been a totality that is useful as much for showing reality as it is for expressing the creative visions of its director. It is possible for the most extrinsic implications to be presented in a way that reflects individual systemics and personal expression. The innovation of a nonfiction work can legitimize many techniques that were previously unused and will ultimately provide countless new ways of exploring social and historical issues. The examination of these issues using different visual styles leads to the methodical questioning of the degree of truth that surrounds each individual style. For nonfiction cinema, the epistemological virtue exists within the relation of what is filmed and what truly is real. In an inspection of The Thin Blue Line and Yuki Yukite Shingun, the relation between the camera and the real is problematized by both films’ intentional reversal of presentational truths, the awareness of the camera, the staging or reenacting of real events with actors, and the addition of graphical or aural stylistic elements. The Thin Blue Line was directed by Errol Morris in 1988. It is the retelling of a story of two men that meet by chance in Dallas, one of whom later kills a police officer. The facts are chronicled through a series of interview segments and supplemented by various reenactments, striking visual images, and a repetitive, captivating musical accompaniment. The images presen... of real events with actors, and the addition of graphical or aural stylistic elements. As presented in The Thin Blue Line and Yuki Yukite Shingun, these elements are important to the originality of their overall films and have the effect of problematizing the relation between the camera and what is real. Sources Cited Bruzzi, Stella. New Documentary: A Critical Introduction. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing, 2000. MacDonald, Scott. A Critical Cinema 3: Interviews with Independent Filmmakers. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 1998. Plantinga, Carl R. Rhetoric and Representation in Nonfiction Film. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Renov, Michael. Theorizing Documentary. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing, 1993. Ruoff, Kenneth. Filming at the Margins: The Documentaries of Hara Kazuo. Iconics 16 (Spring 1993): 115-126.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Est1 Task 2
Welcome to Shine Sun Tan! We are so excited that you have made the decision to join our team! We have the brightest stars in the business and are so happy you have chosen to shine with us! Here at Shine Sun Tan we are not only dedicated to our clients but also our employees. We strive to provide our employees with a positive, pleasant, and fun work atmosphere. We believe if our employees are happy and taken care of, then they will do the same for our clients. In order for us to remain the best in the business we must follow a few guidelines and procedures set by Shine Sun Tan.Please take a moment to read over our Ethics Program as this will be knowledge you will use on a daily basis here at Shine! A. Standards and Procedures Code of Ethics: The principles of the Shine Sun Tan Code of Ethics are expressed in a broad manner as a guide to ethical decision making. 1. Appearance: We will always arrive at work in our proper uniform (Shine Sun Tan t-shirt and jeans or shorts) and be ready t o work. Your jeans or shorts should not have holes, and shorts should come to the tip of your fingers in length. We will arrive to work put together and clean. 2.Respect: We will always provide the highest level of respect to clients and co-workers. 3. Trustworthy: We will always be dependable, honest, and have always a â€Å"due the right thing†mind set. 4. Responsible: We will always keep in mind that this is a business and we must do what is right for the business and its clients. This includes but is not limited to attending all scheduled shifts, being on time for shifts, and working while on the clock. 5. Fairness: We will always treat all co-workers and clients equally without regards to age, sex, race, religion, nation origin, and sexual preference. 6.Citizenship: We will always show good character as well as a positive attitude. 7. Caring: We will always show a caring nature when it comes to co-workers and clients. All employees must follow these principles at all ti mes. If the need arises to report a violation of Shine Sun Tan’s principles please let your store manager, district manager, or Alisha Johnson, our ethics officer know immediately. Your store manager and district manager’s contact information will be always be available in your manager office and in your store break room. Our ethics officer may be reached at [email protected] om or 789-456-0123. You may also call our Ethics Hotline anonymously which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 888-123-4567. If any employee is found to be violating our principles, after a full investigation (when necessary) the consequences will result in a verbal warning, a written warning, a counseling, or possible termination. B. Training Shine Sun Tan will hold quarterly training sessions. The training sessions will be held the last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the month for the months of March, June, September, and December.Everyone who is currently employed with Shine Su n Tan at the time of each training session will be required to attend one session. Each employee will be assigned to either the Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday training session. Shine Sun Tan’s training sessions are conducted by Alisha Johnson whom is our ethics officer. Each training session will be a full 8 hour work day and will include a catered lunch. The training material will be delivered by PowerPoint slide shows narrated by Alisha Johnson as well as guest speakers.Each training will cover various different topics, however we will always go over our 3 most important topics relevant to our business. 1. New and changing tanning laws and regulations 2. Workplace Safety 3. Tips on the newest ways to enroll new members and sell products In addition to these 3 most important topics, we will generally also cover new products, recommendations for tanning safety, tanning bed news, and a variety of other topics. However, we will also always be open for discussion so please alway s bring your questions for our Q&A for the last hour of each training session.We look forward to seeing you! C. Employee Misconduct 1. Employees will be expected to act in a professional manner at all times. Although, here at Shine Sun Tan we promote a fun work atmosphere, we must always remember that our clients and work duties must always be taken care of first and in a professional manner. You are the first line of defense in measuring your own conduct and preventing any misconduct from taking place. If the defense towards misconduct starts within you, and you are doing the right thing and acting professionally then we as a whole should be able to avoid wrong doings or misconduct.Your store manager, assistant manager, and even fellow co-workers will also be monitoring your conduct, so make sure you are always doing the right thing. Doing the right thing consist of but is not limited to working when on the clock, giving clients truthful information about packages and products, sel ling clients packages and products that are best for them (not what is best for your commission), following tanning laws and regulations, and always following Shine Sun Tan’s Ethics Code. Not following these rules set forth by Shine Sun Tan will be considered employee misconduct and could result in serious consequences. . To ensure that all employees are always doing the right thing and have good conduct Shine Sun Tan will participate in a Secret Shopper Program. This program has been set up to audit and monitor our stores and employees on a regular basis. Corporate employees from our Secret Shopper Team will regularly visit our salons. These secret shoppers will come in a minimum of twice a week on a weekly basis to sign up for new tanning packages, tan, buy products, ask questions, and sometimes act as upset, unruly clients.You will never know who our secret shoppers are, as we will have multiple different ones and they will always act as a normal customer. This Secret Shop per Program has been put in place so that not only can managers, assistant managers, and fellow employee monitor employee conduct but so can corporate employees. By having this Secret Shopper Program in place we feel that it will encourage our employees to always be on their best behavior and always do the right thing in every situation. 3. In the event that employee misconduct is found to be taking place you must report it to a manager immediately.The manager will then have you fill out a report about what you witnessed. This report will be kept anonymous and will be turned in to the corporate office for further investigation. If you do not feel comfortable going to a manager or a manager is not available, you may report misconduct to your district manager or our Ethics officer. If you wish to remain completely anonymous or feel more comfortable reporting by telephone you may do this as well. You can call our Ethics Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 888-123-4567. D. Evaluate and ImproveShine Sun Tan is always looking for ways to evaluate and improve our business practices and procedures. This even includes evaluating the effectiveness of our Ethics Program. We will have four procedures put in place to help us evaluate our program. 1. We will provide clients with survey cards for each visit which they have the option to fill out. These cards will ask our clients to rate our salon staff on a scale of 1-10 on their appearance (are the in uniform and presentable), level of respect, trustworthiness, responsibility, fairness, citizenship, and caring nature. 2.Our Secret Shopper Team will also complete survey cards for each of their visits. These surveys will not only include the same as the customer surveys but they will also include a more detailed experience about their time spent at the salon and about the person or persons they dealt directly with each time. 3. Your manager or direct supervisor will complete monthly reviews on your performance. These per formance reviews will largely include your ethical understanding of Shine Sun Tan ethics program and how you display your knowledge and understanding of it in your daily work. . Employee question and suggestion box. Suggestions and questions will be taken into consideration and will be addressed at our monthly Ethics meeting. On the last day of each month after these evaluations are completed for that month we will collect the surveys, questions, and suggestions. Management will then compile a list of what we are doing well, what improvements are needed, and what suggestions and questions need to be addressed.We will then hold a managers meeting on the first Wednesday of every month so that we can establish ways to improve our program and how to implement the improvements. Each manager will then hold store meetings with their employees the next day to discuss answers to questions and let their employees know what changes and improvements will be made. Thank you so much for reading S hine Sun Tan’s Ethics Program. Once again, we are so excited that you have made the choice to join our team and we look forward to being a part of your journey here at Shine Sun Tan! We look forward to seeing you Shine!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Creating a Sustainable Environment Essay
The terms Sustainable and Sustainability are used to describe many different approaches toward improving our way of life. Sustainability is a way to develop the environment without harming it, creating a system that keeps its self-feasible for future needs. Thus, sustainability means taking the long-term view of how our actions affect future generations and making sure we do not deplete resources or cause pollution at rates faster than the earth is able to renew them. Hence, if sustainability is enforced and took in action it will create a world where everyone can have fulfilling lives and enjoy a rich level of well-being within the limits of what nature can provide. Nowadays, there are many lifestyle trends that are rapidly damaging the environment and which are not sustainable. The main three lifestyle trends I am focusing on are; Children’s toys, entertainment focusing on cinema and pubs/clubs and office work environment. These lifestyle trends have a lot of unsustainable factors that can be changed and improved till year 2020. It is important that from a young age children will be taught the values of sustainability because they will inherit the world that we create today. Therefore, the stuff given to them should not damage the environment. Today there is the possibility to make sure that children’s playthings are green and healthy. Finding sustainable and less toxic toys for children is important since it can do well both for children and the environment. When buying toys it is important to look for PVC-free toys (polyvinyl chloride). PVC releases toxins into the environment all the way through its lifecycle from manufacturing to disposal. Many PVC toys also contain, chemical compounds that make the PVC plastic more flexible, which can lead to both cancer and hormonal disruption. Therefore, when choosing PVC-Free toys one will not only be sustainable but will prevent children from hazardous toxins. A better and safer alternative is to choose toys made from wood since, they are more sustainable and most importantly will last generations longer than the cheap plastic stuff. Batteries have become second nature in most toys today. Not only this is harmful for the environment due to massive battery consumption but also easily children can chew batteries which are toxic. Hence, one can easily replace these battery-powered toys by simpler toys which still are of an entertainment and fun. Furthermore, these would be cheaper and sustainable. However, for the older children that have more sense and always look for original and new toys which have the latest electronics, one should opt to look into rechargeable batteries to eliminate waste. Sometimes the most rewarding toy might not be a toy at all it might be the act of planting a tree, play catch or hide and seek. Getting children outside provides them with abundant opportunities to run around, have fun, get exercise, and learn about th e urban and natural environments around them. Outdoors needs to get revived again and children should be given the opportunity to play and enjoy more outdoors activities. Another way of being sustainable is by buying Second-hand toys because it does not mean that when a toy has been used once it would not be just as much fun the second time around. Thus, this will decrease the waist of toys which sometimes are hardly used or damaged, also these would be cheaper and one will be more sustainable. Additionally, for children sometimes is not what’s in the box but it is the box! Sometimes it is the stuff that one already has that can prove the most fun to imaginative children. Therefore before throwing the box from that new toy away, think of it as a potential arts and crafts project instead. These factors are really important and not such difficult to practice and understand. These simple adjustments are both beneficial for children and the environment itself. Moreover, the children will be grown up in well sustainable grounding and mentality. Entertainment consists of any activity which provides a diversion or permits people to amuse themselves in their leisure time. Entertainment may also provide fun, enjoyment and laughter. However, it is still important to be aware of a more sustainable entertainment environment. Thus, the challenge is to create good entertainment that sustains an audience and it is sustainable. Looking at the cinema industry there are so many things that go to waste that can be easily used more than once. Starting from when one arrives at the cinema each person that pays gets a ticket, why not making it a stamp on our hand to prove that we have paid therefore, this will eliminate the use of all those paper usage every day. Furthermore, when buying snacks a lot of packaging material is used, normally it would consist of paper and plastic which are all thrown away after usage since, most of them are not good to be recycled due to certain chemicals that are present. What a waste! So let’s entre a new cinema trend instead of a paper bucket or cups let’s replace them with plastic bowl and cups, which remains in the cinema to be reused. Why Plastic? Plastic is more safe, to prevent broken glass on the floor and since people themselves has to walk with them it will prevent certain accidents. This will be more sustainable due to less of waste and even less expenses since one will diminish the cost of buying so much packaging every year. Looking and the pubs/clubs sector one has no idea how unsustainable they are. From my own experience I work in this industry and therefore know a lot of what goes on. From the bar itself the amount of plastic thrown away every night is crazy. Why this? For safety purposes drinks are given in plastic cups to prevent having a lot of injuries during fights. However, these cups are not reused or recycled thus a plastic cup is only used for a couple of minutes and then thrown away. Therefore, replacing them with solid plastic cups which can be washed during the night and reused again is a better option which is more sustainable, more environmentally friendly and cheaper on the long run. Moreover, a lot of empty plastic bottles of soft drinks and glass bottles of alcohol and beers are thrown away in the same bin without recycling them, which is a pity because one only needs two separate bins to do so. Additionally a lot of paper made tickets are given when paying beforehand for parties. Yes, giving a ticket is the best way to prevent hassle and chaos when entering the club however, the size of the ticket sometimes is too much! Since, sometimes one can actually make three tickets from the size of the normal ticket that is normally given nowadays. If minimizing the size of the tickets one will decrease the amount of paper usage every night. Moreover, a lot of fliers are used to market other parties, fair enough marketing is important however, printing thousands of fliers and not even using half of them is a waist. Today, one can market their party through facebook, internet and even automatic mobile messages, this will decrease the amount of fliers printed which is more sustainable. What about noise pollution? The sound at the clubs is set at a very high volume that one cannot even talk to someone else because it will be impossible to understand one another. Noise pollution has an effect on our health, the extra sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects. Then there are certain factors that can be adopted in both sectors, both in the cinema industry and the club/pubs environment. For example focusing on the bathrooms, automatic sensors can be fixed to switch on the light when entering and then switch off when no one is present. Even automatic water turn off devices can be installed to prevent water loss. Additionally, electric hand dryers with automatic turn-off system are good to prevent the use of disposable paper towels. Furthermore, it is good to use water pressure system to save water and energy by adding a water saving device for water taps in wash hands basins to decrease the consumption of water usage. These all are changes which can make a better sustainable environment. Increasing awareness on the work place about sustainable principles can encourage workers to implement sustainability principles into their own personal practices and beyond. There are also sustainable factors that can be adopted till 2020 in an office work environment. Such as using electronic mail to send memos, or route memos to staff members rather than making a paper copy for each person. One can use reused envelops for internal mail. Moreover, is better to do direct deposit instead of making a paycheque every time. Furthermore, it is essential to have a photo copier that makes double sided copies to minimize the amount of paper used every day. Also, cleaning shell be done within office hours rather than at other times which this would require lighting and air conditioning to remain on. It is also vital to encourage employees to bring their own washable mugs to work rather to use disposable cups. Also having a thermos for beverages is a good practice to decrease the use of energy daily. Additionally, it is better to use reusable containers rather than cover launches in plastic or disposable paper bags. It is also good to use a reusable cloth then disposable tissue every time one needs to wipe his/her hands. This will result to a better sustainable environment and less expenses since, an object is used consequently rather used once and then thrown away. These mentioned above are all practices that can be adopted in the future which can make the world more sustainable. If from now people will change their mentality and get more informed how to become more sustainable in 2020 people will be able to live a healthier life, a life where less money is spent, a life which helps build stronger relationship between them and their neighbours, and a life which helps protect, conserve or improve the natural environment. Children are the future, so teaching them sustainability is essential to the well-being of the planet. As a Home Economics and Textile studies teacher it is important to teach students that everything on this earth is related and demonstrated by their behaviours and actions that affect the environment. By teaching students the importance of sustainability, they will be empowered and be more convinced that even they are capable of making a difference. Moreover, in order to make students aware of the importance of sustainability, as a teacher I have to make them aware of the consequences of their actions and decisions taken know and the affect it would have in the future on the environment. Furthermore, it is important to teach students how their daily decisions can affect their ecological footprint so that they make more conscious decisions to boost the sustainability of their lifestyle. Home Economics gives the opportunity to the teacher to entre deeply in the topic (sustainability) therefore it gives us the opportunity to teach and show students the importance of sustainability and build more awareness and knowledge on the meaning and the term sustainability. Furthermore, as a teacher I can show students that being sustainable is not something that require a lot of work but only require some thought. Additionally, show students that we can be sustainable in everything that we do in our life, example trough textile studies I can encourage students to use recycled fabric and teach them how to sew simple things example; repair a zip, make patches to holes, these will prevent from throwing clothes away when little adjustments is required. Therefore it is essential that awareness and education will increase to enhance sustainability. Moreover, encouraging and stimulating good practice in the use and management of natural resources, in particular their minimal use and maximum reuse by recycling in an environmentally sustainable manner is a vital issue. Hence, Education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on History Of Straight Edge
straight edge into a song will attract a whole group of people, young and old alike. If the music doesn’t stand up to the expectations, howe... Free Essays on History Of Straight Edge Free Essays on History Of Straight Edge In the midst of the drug-infested punk rock underground scene of Washington, D.C. in the early 1980’s, a band called â€Å"Minor Threat†emerged. They would prove to be a great threat to the drug world. the lead singer, Ian MacKaye, would start a revolution that is still present to this day. The revolution would be coined â€Å"Straight Edge†by the song Minor Threat composed of the same name. The whole idea of straight edge would be to lead a clean lifestyle of no drugs, no drinking alcohol, and no sex without love. In the 12 years since the expiration of Minor Threat, the ideas of straight edge are still going strong in today’s punk scene and beyond. The key to the growing of the revolution is young men and women’s disgust with society’s ailments. Even though the original beliefs are still strong, the modern hard-core straight edge person is a vegetarian the abstains from caffeine and takes an interest in both political and environmental issues. As straight edge was reaching its apex in the mid 1980’s, it was also reaching a level of extreme hostility. The reason is was being fought against was because it seemed that a war was starting between the straight edge people and the people who violated the ideas of straight edge. Many people were fighting against straight edge because of its harsh intolerance to substance use and abuse. the music of straight edge has been nearly the only way the word has been spread around over the years. There are several hundreds, if not thousands, of bands that call themselves â€Å"straight edge bands†. As with â€Å"rock and roll†, â€Å"punk†and â€Å"hard-core†music, straight edge has its own brand of music. Although mostly heard as merely incoherent screaming and profanity, it has a much deeper meaning. Merely incorporating the words straight edge into a song will attract a whole group of people, young and old alike. If the music doesn’t stand up to the expectations, howe...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Facts About Soft Coral (Octocorals)
Facts About Soft Coral (Octocorals) Soft corals refer to the organisms in the class Octocorallia, which includes gorgonians, sea fans, sea pens, sea feathers, and blue corals. These corals have a flexible, sometimes leathery, appearance. Although many resemble plants, they are actually animals. Soft corals are colonial organisms, which means they are formed of colonies of polyps. The polyps of soft corals have eight feathery tentacles, which is why they are also known as octocorals. One way to tell the difference between soft corals and hard (stony) corals is that the polyps of hard corals have six tentacles, which are not feathery. Here are some stony coral characteristics, with some of the key differences with soft corals identified: They have polyps that secrete a cup (calyx or calice) in which they live. The polyps of soft corals usually have feathery tentacles.They may harbor zooxanthellae, algae that live within coral polyps and can produce brilliant colors. Others may be colored by bright pink, blue or purple pigmentation.They may contain spikes called sclerites, which are made of calcium carbonate and protein, and are located within a jelly-like tissue called coenenchyme. This tissue lies between the polyps and contains canals called solenia, which transport fluids between the polyps. In addition to providing structure to the coral and protection from predators, the shape and orientation of the sclerites can be used to identify coral species.They have an inner core made out of a protein called gorgonin.They may have a variety of shapes, including fan-like, whip-like or feather-like, or even leathery or encrusting. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: CnidariaClass: AnthozoaSubclass: OctocoralliaOrders:Alcyonacea (the horny corals, also known as the gorgonians, sea fans and sea feathers)Helioporacea (blue corals)Pennatulacea (sea pens) Habitat and Distribution Soft corals are found worldwide, primarily in tropical or subtropical waters. Soft corals do not produce reefs but may live on them. They may also be found in the deep sea. Feeding and Diet Soft corals may feed during the night or day. They use their nematocysts (stinging cells) to sting passing plankton or other small organisms, which they pass to their mouth. Reproduction Soft corals can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction occurs by budding when a new polyp grows out of an existing polyp. Sexual reproduction occurs either when sperm and eggs are released in a mass spawning event, or by brooding, when only sperm are released, and these are captured by female polyps with eggs. Once the egg is fertilized, a larva is produced and eventually settles to the bottom. Conservation and Human Uses Soft corals may be harvested for use in aquariums. Wild soft corals may also attract tourism in the form of dive and snorkeling operations. Compounds within the tissues of soft corals may be used for medicines. Threats include human disturbance (through humans stepping on corals or dropping anchors on them), overharvesting, pollution, and habitat destruction. Examples of Soft Corals Soft coral species include: Dead Mans Fingers (Alcyonium digitatum)Sea FansSea Pens Sources and Further Reading GBR Explorer. Soft Corals. ReefED.NOAA. Coral Anatomy and Structure. NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program.Simpson, A. 2009. Reproduction in Octocorals (Subclass Octocorallia): A Review of Published Literature. Version 16 July 2009. In Deep-Sea Corals Portal.South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Octocoral Morphology.Tan, Ria. 2008. Soft Corals. Wild Fact Sheets.Wet Web Media. The Soft Corals, Order Alcyonacea; Use In Marine Aquariums.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Travel Agency Sector in the United Kingdom Essay
Travel Agency Sector in the United Kingdom - Essay Example The barriers to market entry in the travel agency sector are low, therefore, increasing the intensity of the competition. Most travel agents are shifting their marketing to online bookings in order to remain competitive. In 2013, the penetration of in-store bookings fell from 25 percent to 18 percent from the previous year ( The agencies are facing numerous challenges due to an increase in mobile internet penetration. The two leading travel agencies in the UK are TUI Travel plc and Thomas Cook Group plc. Thomas Cook travel agency is one of the leading UK-based travel agencies, and it is also listed on the London Stock Exchange. The agency owns a number of tour operators and charter airlines in the United Kingdom. The agency also extends its presence to Belgium and the Scandinavian countries. It is also the owner of Condor (scheduled airline) and Hotels4u (booking website). Currently, Thomas Cook has a customer base of 19.1 million and 32,722 employees making it the second largest travel agency in Europe and the UK. Thomas Cook ranks second after TUI UK Limited, which has 4,644,025 passengers licensed (CAA 2015). This Group attributes its growth to the introduction of new products and its winter sun initiatives (Thomas Cook 2015, p. 1). Table 1 shows the overall performance of Thomas Cook for the two-year period. TUI Travel plc is the leading travel services provider in the United Kingdom. The Group offers high-quality travel services to its 30 million customers in 31 major source markets. These services include flight bookings and the entire holiday services (TUI Travel plc 2014). Despite the high competition in the travel industry, TUI Travel plc recorded an underlying operating growth profit of 11 percent at constant current rates (TUI Travel plc 2014, p. 1). Â
Thursday, October 31, 2019
A psychological disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A psychological disorder - Essay Example Disastrous events and life changing experiences can elevate our level of stress. While many people deal with this day to day stress without medical intervention, it may have a long-term connection with cancer or heart disease (Myers 539,544). Intense feelings of stress are known as anxiety disorders. They seem to have no rational cause and leave a person agitated and out of control of their emotions. The anxiety disorders are further broken down into sub groups that include phobias and panic disorder. These cases of extreme anxiety are treated through conditioning and medication. Depression may be viewed as similar and may be confused with anxiety. While anxiety is the uneasy feeling in regards to a future event, depression is a reaction to a past event (Myers 646). While these feelings may be normal, they become a disorder when they are unrealistic and begin to impede a person's normal activities. Depression is not an abnormal feeling, but when it reaches an ongoing and insidious level, a professional should treat it. There are many modern medications that address both anxiety and depression. More severe forms of psychological disorders are seen in schizophrenia and dissociative disorders. In the former, the mind may be severely disorganized. The victim may suffer from delusions and inappropriate emotions.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Analysis of the Airbus Strategies Adopted in Startup Case Study
Analysis of the Airbus Strategies Adopted in Startup - Case Study Example Airbus’ competitive offer to its customers was a strength because it rivaled established brands. This increased customers and improved Airbus market share in the aircraft industry. Similarly, pooling of financial and technological resources in four European countries in the manufacture of Airbus aircraft was a strength to Airbus. This gave the company the finances required to create a competitive advantage. The last strength was strong industry policy in Europe that favored the success of Airbus, translating to  £ 26 billion in subsidies that enabled the company recovery of 70 % enormous development costs. This improved competitiveness and efficiency of the Airbus, hence competed favorably with established global players, McDonald and Boeing. Two weaknesses plagued Airbus, loses due to discount pricing as a way to gain increased market share and lack of established reputation with airlines on safety, quality and maintenance in the earlier years of the company’s operations. This led to needing reduced prices, improved maintenance practices, and increased competitiveness by Airbus to overcome the weaknesses. The main threat to Airbus was a ready market for McDonald and Boeing from U.S. military equipment. This reduced Airbus competitiveness in the U.S. market due to superior sales and profits by McDonald and Boeing. Secondly, Mc Donald and Boeing control of the U.S. market was a threat to Airbus growth and ambitions of increased market share. A building of high-quality Airbus aircraft acted as an opportunity as it gave consumers an alternative to U.S. aircraft.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bhutanese Refugees Resettlements in the USA
Bhutanese Refugees Resettlements in the USA Introduction Writing a research paper is not an easy task. It requires an exciting topic, argument, research and puzzle questions, extensive research, literature and data on the topic. I was looking for the research topic for my political science capstone course that is related to the politics and/or policies of immigration or integration in the United States. I was born and did my high school in Nepal where I was first introduced about the Bhutanese refugees when they first flee from Bhutan after being the stateless people in their own birth place. A stateless person is someone who does not have the legal document of citizenship of any country which would create a bond between government and individual, and provides certain political, economic, social and other rights as well as the responsible citizen of that nation. (USA for UNHCR, n.d.). Later In 2006, the United States governments offered resettlement to Bhutanese refugees living in the camps from Nepal. (Centers for Disease Control and Prev ention, 2014). I will be doing research on those Bhutanese refugees who were brought in the United States as a Refugee based on the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1975. So, the topic of my research is Bhutanese Refugees Resettlement in the United States. My research puzzle is, while the main mission of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is to help new populations maximize their potential in the United States by linking them to critical resources that assist them in becoming integrated members of American society. (Office of Refugee Resettlement, n.d.).However, The Office of Refugee Resettlement and Department of Health and Human Service have already reported 16 suicides cases of Bhutanese refugees from 10 different states who were resettled in the United States between March 2008 to February 2012. Most of the refugees who committed suicide were below 50 years of age and were in the United States less than a year. There are some suicide cases in refuges resettled from other countries such Burma, Burundi, Somalia etc. but the Bhutanese refugees cases are more frequent and higher than other (Trong, Taylor, Lankau, Sivilli, Blanton, Shetty, Lopes-Cardozo,2012; CDC). In the U.S 11 out of 100,000 people die by suicide however the rat e of suicide in Bhutanese refugee is three times higher than the national average. (The Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center (RHTAC), 2011).So, the aim of my research would be to find out why do Bhutanese refugees and some other refugees are committing suicide after they arrived in the U.S? Are there any loopholes and weakness on the refugee resettlement policy that is causing the newly resettled refugees committing suicide and going under serious mental illness? By looking at the frequent suicide cases of Bhutanese refugees and the refugees from other countries, it looks like the U.S government was only able to provide the new identity but not been able to solve their political, cultural, economic and social integration complications. Historical Background Life in Bhutan Bhutanese refugees are the group of people from Nepal migrated to the South of Bhutan in the late 1800s after the Anglo- Bhutanese war of 1865. Later, the migrated newer generations started working in Agricultural field and eventually became Bhutans primary suppliers of food. The number of such worker increased day by day until about 1930 because of the invitation by licensed contractors. The successful generations migrated from Nepal became the Bhutans key source of nations revenue, who were paying taxes in cash even before the Bhutanese monarchy was established in 1907. (Hutt, 2003) The new programs of infrastructure development and land reform program granted Bhutanese citizenship based on the Bhutans Citizenship Act of 1958. However, the new Citizenship act of 1977 and 1985 altered citizenship law drastically. The marriage act of 1980 mandated to marry only with Bhutanese ethnicity with threaten of revoking the government benefits if violated and mandate to wear Bhutanese nationa l costume only nationwide as well. (Rose 1994). So, the Bhutans Citizenship Act of 1985 revoked the Lhotsampa peoples citizenship who does not meet certain criteria such as if they didnt have the tax receipts that can prove that they were living in Bhutan before 1958 and second if they had not been counted in the census. (Lee 1998). In the October of 1900, the people of south did a huge public demonstration asking for civil rights and cultural freedom. The Bhutanese government also acted against protester by capturing the identified participants and placed them into prison. They were kept into the prison for several months without any litigation. Many of them were released by Bhutanese government only if they are ready to sign the voluntary migration form (The form that has the agreement that those who signed it will leave Bhutan as soon as they are released from the jail). So, in the end of 1990, the people from Lhotsampa fled to Nepal by truck. Life in Nepal In 1991, more than one million Bhutanese-Nepalese from Bhutan took temporary protection in Nepal. Later, in the end of 1991 at the request of Government of Nepal (GoN), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and World Food Program (WFP) established the total of seven refugee camps for more than 105,000 refugees in Eastern part of Nepal providing humanitarian assistance and international protection such as food, sheltered, health and education to the Bhutanese refugees. (WFP Publications 2013). All the responsibilities to managed and look after the camp is under UNHCR and for that they assign number of subcontractors and agencies. System of committees were assign to carry out day to day activities. Like Refugee Coordination Unit for the implementation of government policy in all the seven camps, the cam management unit for registration of birth and death as well as looking after food and health program. Likewise, there were Camp secretary, Sector Head and counselling Board. Refugees were living in a very restricted and crowed conditions as for huge numbers, 106,000 of refugee there were approximately 16,673 huts using the local materials like bamboo and their lifespan was assuming to be of three years. Despite having problematic life, they had maintained a very good condition in regards of water and sanitation facilities. Incentive workers within the camp managed the water system and is centrally controlled and distributed through pipes in the estimation of 20-25 liters per person per day. Talking about the food, food basket used to be distributed in every two weeks and they used to get equal amount whether they are grown up man or a newly born. Nepal Red Cross Society were the organization for rations/food until LWF (Lutheran World Federation) took over on 2006 (Bhutanese Refugee, n.d.). The Bhutanese refugee gave high priority for education of their children and thus started running English medium education programmed even with the small resource. The refugees were not allowed to work out of the camp due to the policy of Nepal government but they do not lack opportunities within the camp. And among those chances teaching was the most common. The teacher in the camp were paid a salary in other to motivate them but was much lower than those working outside the camp (Gharti, 2011) (Adelman, 2008). As per the information given by the end of November 2006, there were 37,403 students studying in the schools that was establish within the camp. Even though many Bhutanese refugees were educated there were also a student who dropped the schools as they had to go through multiple difficult situation. Mostly children and women in a camp had a very hard life. For instance, women had to go to jungle in search of wood for the fire to cook the food also there were operation center of Nepal Maoist near the camp and the young refugee had high chance of recruit by Moist (Gharti, 2011)(Adelman, 2008). Resettlement in third Countries: Several Bilateral meetings between Nepal and Bhutan to resolve the Bhutanese refugees situations of repatriation or resettlement didnt come up with the specific solution. (Human Rights Watch, 2007). In fact, in June 2003, The Government of Bhutan appealed that only 24% of the populations in one camp were genuine refugees fled from Bhutan. However, it never let those 24% people also returned to Bhutan. (Banki ,2008) On the other hand, from February 1996 Nepal itself went under civil war due to The Communist Party of Nepal Maoist who were aiming to overthrow the Nepalese Monarchy and establish People Republic. The civil war was ended on November 21,2006. Due to the everyday strikes and unsecured situations Government of Nepal was not able to provide full attention regarding the settlement of Bhutanese refugees problems. More than 13,000 people (including both civilian and armed forces) were killed and 1300 people were misplaced during the conflict. (Office of the United Nations High Co mmissioner for Human Rights, 2012). The repatriation was also impossible because the properties and lands that the Bhutanese refugees were utilizing were on the possession of the other local Bhutanese people. (Adelman, 2008). Since the resettlement and repatriation was impossible in Nepal the resettlement to the third countries was realized as the ultimate solution for the Bhutanese refugees. (COR Center Refugee Backgrounder No. 4, 2007). Finally, in 2007 the Government of Nepal agreed the alternative of the third-country resettlement. The United States government offered to resettle more than 80,000 Bhutanese refugees in the United States based on the refugee and resettlement act of 1975. So, the first group of Bhutanese arrived in the United States was on March 25, 2008 and resettled in different States and cities such as Texas, Arizona, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Syracuse, St. Louis, Missouri, Colorado, Seattle etc. (Bhutanese American organization-PA) Research procedures As a research procedure, the primary data was collected through a random interview. I conducted face to face interview with four random Bhutanese refugees of age above 40 who are currently residing in the Queens, New York. The reason why I chose Queens, New York was because it was easier to find the personnels and conduct the interview since many of the resettled Bhutanese refuges are staying in this region. Even though they came from Nepal and Speak Nepali language I have never met or spoke to those refugees before I took the interview. It was completely random selection. The primary objectives of conducting interview with the Bhutanese refugees (age above 45) is to collect and analyze the pre-and post- migration experiences information from Bhutan to Nepal to the United States. I interviewed with the four randomly selected adult Bhutanese refugees (age above 45) living in the Queens Region. I found Sam (name changed) in the Indian local grocery store called Patel Brothers, met Sima (name changed) Bhutan Corner (Cafe), met Dan (name changed) in Laliguras restaurant and met Albert (name changed) in Elmhurst nearby Hindu Temple. The questions that I prepared for the interviews were related to the pre- and post- migration experiences, qualitative characteristics such as education, languages, job, health status, future aspirations, neighborhood interactions etc. (see Appendix). I collected the interview data by writing down in my notebook. The assumption is that the information collected from the random Bhutanese refugees interview would be more effective to gather deeper information to find out the answers connected with the puzzle and research questions. Literature and data The Secondary literature and data was collected by browsing the several existing scholarships such as books, peer-reviewed journal, articles, newspapers articles, government sites and respective non-profit organization web pages and blogs. The primary reason to look at the literature and statistical data is to provide intellectual information for my research questions and to provide complement to my research puzzle and thesis statement. Findings and Reviews The number of Bhutanese refuges and their group are together multiplying in such a way that thy have their own separate categories in the U.S. Census count. (NY daily news, 2011). These people are mostly residing in Sunnyside, Maspeth, Elmhurst, Woodside and Jackson Heights. (Asian American Federation). Based on the conversation with Sam inside the one corner of the Patel Brothers store, Sam is currently living in Woodside, New York since 2011 with his families. He is 53 years old and was one of Bhutanese who fled from Lhotsampa, Bhutan to Nepal in the summer of 1993 with his wife and two kids. He said living in the refugee camp of Nepal was just a partial relief with limited freedom. He and his families were very happy for getting migration to the United States. Overall, he looked happy for coming in the United States the only complain he had was not getting the expected job. He and his wife both were the teachers in Nepal but they could not get the same type of job in the United States even after several attempts. He does not have stable job and his wife works as a housekeeper at doctors home. I didnt ask him question number 13. He has hope from his kids and would have a better life in the future. Based on the interview with Sima. She is living with her husband in Woodside as well. She said she was 25 years old when her family fled from Bhutan to Nepal in 1993. She was raped by Bhutanese police while she was in prison. She was a beautician in Nepal but here she is also doing housekeeping job and part time salon helper. She said her she was not able to pass the beautician license test because of weak English. She added that though she makes enough money to spend but not fully satisfy with her profession however, she said she does not have any regrets feelings after coming to the U.S. She also does not have any social interaction with other communities besides Nepalese, Bhutanese and some Indians because of the cultural and language variations. The question regarding the suicidal ideation of the Bhutanese refugees she said it varies by the persons mentality. Some people are doing good and some people are going under mental illness however she doesnt want to blame everything on U .S. Government. She said some people were already under depression while they were in Nepals refugee camp. She shared her dream of getting license and having job in own field to be the owner of small beauty salon by herself. I met Dan when I was drinking coffee in Nepalese restaurant (Laliguras). He said he is around 45 now and staying with his wife and one kid. He said he was a teenager when his families escaped from Bhutan to Nepal. Dan is living in Jackson heights 82nd street. Since he was looking open minded and friendly I was little more comfortable asking questions to him. Hence, I was focusing more on the research puzzle and research question. He told me some interesting things, he said after the arrival in the United States they all get supports such as food stamps, Medicare, cash assistance, and training. However, the cash assistance was never enough to cover all the expenses. He also said, all of us need to be self-standing within three to eight months and ready to repay the travel loan (where a family with four people owes $5300 for an only one-way ticket). So, after eight months all the refugees get the pressure of paying back the loan. He again said, I was lucky to get the job in restaurant helper and was able to pay back the loan. He still remembers his close friend hung himself in his bedroom ceiling fan due to the financial burden. He ended up saying that he is now a chef in the restaurant and doesnt have any future high expectation as of now and has very limited interaction with the other communitys people. Later again, I stepped out towards Elmhurst. I meet Albert nearby Hindu Temple. He is around 50 and staying with his wife and 3 daughters. He was working as car mechanic outside camp in Nepal and his expectation was of getting similar job in USA but he was not able to get the same type of job in the United States. He said that he felt like none of the owner or manager trusted him even to give a chance of showing his capabilities. He said now I have three daughters working but he had a very nightmare life in the past after the first arrival in the United States. He said I thought couple of times of doing suicide as well but friends gave me loan to pay off government loan and found a job in warehouse as helper. He again said, language is the most important thing, if you dont know how to speak English in the United States you are vulnerable to discrimination and limited opportunity. From the face to face to interview and sensitive conversations that I conducted with four random Bhutanese refugees living in Queens county New York, it suggests that to begin a new life in the worlds most developed nation like the United States must be a proudful and victorious for the refugees like Bhutanese, who were fleeing from their own country due to the fear of tortures and camp. However, starting over life in totally new environment and with zero balance and knowledge is not an easy. Refugees like Bhutanese who have migrated from the underdeveloped countries like Bhutan and Nepal must deal with numbers post migration problems such as social and cultural integration, language, income, financial burden, mental stress etc. They already have lots of memories from the past persecutions and burden of camp life where as life would be very difficult and unpredictable especially in different and completely new culture, norms, language and communities. Although all of them were very e xcited while moving to the US because of getting new life and identity in the worlds most developed and powerful country but after sometime almost all of them have complains having problems in staring with due to various obstacles like not getting an expected job, discriminations and less opportunity due to language problem, burden of paying back the government loan after six months where they were not fully established in the new world the United States. More than 60% of the Bhutanese refugees follow Hindu religion and rest of others ae Buddhist, Kirat and Christian. (International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2008). The four main sub castes under Hindu Bhutanese refugees are Brahmins (Priests), Cheetris (warriors), Vaishyas (farmers, merchants) and Sudras (servant, Laborers). Most of the Hinduisms are radical where the religion based discrimination is common in Hindu community. So-called higher caste Brahmins do not even allow to enter so called loser caste Hindu people in their kitchen and will not eat food prepared by the lower caste people. (Chapman, n.d.) Many Hindu Bhutanese refugees are vegetarians some of them does not even eat or touch beef or pork which are common foods in the United States. As per the research conducted at Arizona State University regarding the connection between religious coping and acculturation stress among newly-resettled Hindu Bhutanese refugees in the United States. They use their analyzed data to study the psychological impact of integration on the newly resettled Hindu Bhutanese refugees in the US. Based on the references and collected data, researchers found that Hindu Bhutanese refugees have a very hard time integrating their Hindus Bhutanese culture and beliefs with American cultural values. The authors suggest that heartfelt Hindu Bhutanese may need additional support to integrate in the newly resettled community. causing them isolating and mentally hopeless. (Benson, Sun, Hodge, Androff, 2012) I collected mixed outcome from the face to face interview as some interviewees talked about the loophole of the U.S. Government policy where other said the pre-existing mental health situation of the refuges that developed even worse quite some time later after they arrived in the United States. The cross-sectional survey conducted on the randomly selected 579 Bhutanese refugees of 18 years or older who resettled from 2008-2011, in seven cities of the United States nationwide: Atlanta, Buffalo, Syracuse, Phoenix, Tucson, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston etc. by the CDC officer considering to the demographics, mental health symptoms, and associated risk factors related to the depression symptoms among newly resettled Bhutanese refugees in the US suggests that the prevalence of depression symptoms among resettled Bhutanese refugees in the US (21%) was higher than the (5%) reported in a meta-analysis of large studies of refugees resettled to western countries. (Trong, Taylor, Lankau, Shetty, Sivilli, 2015 18(4)). Most of the women and older generation refugees have no education at all. So, those we didnt have any education opportunities in Bhutan and didnt became educated in Camp obviously will have the difficult time to adjust in the country where life, culture, language, food and community are different and new. (Marschilok, 2013). The cross-sectional survey and report suggests that cultural isolation and acculturation are resulting in difficulty in integration and adaption into the new country with new peoples. The refuges who had less education were already worried about the resettlement in the third countries making this population more vulnerable to depression since pre-migration. In addition, the researchers at US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Boston Childrens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Department of Infectious Diseases performed Bivariate logistic regressions to recognize associated factors with mental illness and suicidal ideation. As a research method, random Bhutanese refugees are interviewed and surveyed by trained experts in the participants community. From the research, they find the mental health conditions occurrence percentage are depression (21%), symptoms of anxiety (19%), post-traumatic stress disorder (4.5%), and suicidal ideation (3%). She also finds the significant causes for suicidal ideation such as financial responsibility, receiving low social support and having symptoms of anxiety and depression. (Trong, Taylor, Lankau, Shetty, Sivilli, 2015 18(4)). The writer, contributing editor at the Bhutanese refugee-run Bhutan News Service currently living in Charlotte, North Carolina writes that just few weeks earlier before hanging in an apartment in Phoenix Arizona, Menuka Poudel spoke to him about her hope and dream of pursuing higher education and long living in America. The writer himself is one of the refugee from Bhutan. He writes poor Poudel was one of the 30 Bhutanese refugees who has already done suicide in the U.S. since the summer of 2008 after the resettlement program began. He adds the statistical data from CDC office that from 2008 to 2012, the ratio of Bhutanese refugees suicide case in America was 20.3 out of 100,000 people. In fact, this ratio is near to double compare to the U.S. general population global suicide rate of 16.0 out of 100,000, (WHO). He also writes after resettlement, many young Bhutanese adults who came to USA seem to have a misalliance between their hope and American dream with the availability of work and quality of pay and life resulting to the mental illness and suicide. Limitations: This research has number of limitations. First, conducting a face to face interview is not an easy task especially when we are doing research about suicide, life and living standards. The collection of data and outcomes might not be 100 percent accurate by conducting a face to face interview with individuals regarding such personal and sensitive issues. Most of the times people might give false statement due to the fear of privacy and hesitations. Second, the primary data I have collected is only from the one region and with a very few contributors, so my collection of primary of data can be useful for the brief analysis but not to draw the conclusion about the Bhutanese refugees who are residing across the United States. Conclusion: Acculturation Appendix: What is your name? Can you tell me about yourself? When did you leave Bhutan and Nepal? Are you married and Do you have children?) Can you tell me about the Journey to the United States? Before you come to the United States, where did you live? Tell me about your favorite childhood memory. What did you like about living in the refugee camp and What did you dislike? Do you remember about that moment when you came to know that you are migrating to the United States permanently? Did you find any surprising differences between your expectation and real life of America? How were you feeling when you first stepped out of Americas Airport? and How were you feeling after six months and How are you feeling now? What are the most challenging things you ever faced in the United States? Why are some people in your community are committing suicide asked only to Dan? What are your future aspirations? References: What Is a Refugee USA for UNHCR? USA for UNHCR. (September 18, 2016). Hutt, Michael. 2003. Unbecoming Citizens: Culture, Nationhood and the Flight of Refugees from Bhutan. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Rose, Leo E. 1977. The Politics of Bhutan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 55 Leo E. 1994. The role of the monarchy in the current ethnic conflict in Bhutan. In Michael Hutt (ed) Bhutan: Perspectives on Conflict and Dissent. 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