Monday, September 30, 2019
Characters of Noli Me Tangere
Main Characters Crisostomo Ibarra Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin, commonly referred to the novel as Ibarra or Crisostomo, is the protagonist in the story. Son of a Filipino businessman, DonRafael Ibarra, he studied in Europe for seven years. Ibarra is also Maria Clara's fiance. Several sources claim that Ibarra is also Rizal's reflection: both studied in Europe and both persons believe in the same ideas. Upon his return, Ibarra requested the local government of San Diego to construct a public school to promote education in the town. Maria Clara de los Santos y Alba, commonly referred to as Maria Clara, is Ibarra's fiancee.She was raised by Capitan Tiago, San Diego's cabeza de barangayand is the most beautiful and widely celebrated girl in San Diego. In the later parts of the novel, Maria Clara's identity was revealed as an illegitimate daughter of Father Damaso, former parish curate of the town, and Dona Pia Alba, wife of Capitan Tiago. In the end she enter ed local convent for nuns Beaterio de Santa Clara. In the epilogue dealing with the fate of the characters, Rizal stated that it is unknown if Maria Clara is still living within the walls of the convent or she is already dead.The character of Maria Clara was patterned after Leonor Rivera, Rizal's first cousin and childhood sweetheart. Capitan Tiago Don Santiago de los Santos, known by his nickname Tiago and political title Capitan Tiago is a Filipino businessman and the cabeza de barangay or head ofbarangay of the town of San Diego. He is also the known father of Maria Clara. In the novel, it is said that Capitan Tiago is the richest man in the region of Binondo and he possessed real properties in Pampanga and Laguna de Bay. He is also said to be a good Catholic, friend of the Spanish government and was considered as a Spanish by colonialists.Capitan Tiago never attended school, so he became a domestic helper of a Dominican friar  who taught him informal education. He married Pia Alba from Santa Cruz. Padre Damaso Damaso Verdolagas, or Padre Damaso is a Franciscan friar and the former parish curate of San Diego. He is best known as a notorious character who speaks with harsh words and has been a cruel priest during his stay in the town. He is the real father of Maria Clara and an enemy of Crisostomo's father, Rafael Ibarra. Later, he and Maria Clara had bitter arguments whether she would marry Alfonso Linares or go to a convent.At the end of the novel, he is again re-assigned to a distant town and is found dead one day. In popular culture, when a priest was said to be like Padre Damaso, it means that he is a cruel but respectable individual. When one says a child is â€Å"anak ni Padre Damaso†(child of Padre Damaso), it means that the child's father's identity is unknown. Elias Elias is Ibarra's mysterious friend and ally. Elias made his first appearance as a pilot during a picnic o f Ibarra and Maria Clara and her friends. He wants to revolutionize the country and to be freed from Spanish oppression.The 50th chapter of the novel explores the past of Elias and history of his family. In the past, Ibarra's great-grandfather condemned Elias' grandfather of burning a warehouse which led into misfortune for Elias' family. His father was refused to be married by her mother because his father's past and family lineage was discovered by his mother's family. In the long run, Elias and his twin sister was raised by their maternal grandfather. When they were teenagers, their distant relatives called them hijos de bastardo or illegitimate children.One day, his sister disappeared which led him to search for her. His search led him into different places, and finally, he became a fugitive and subversive. Pilosopong Tacio Filosofo Tacio, known by his Filipinized name Pilosopo Tasyo is another major character in the story. Seeking for reforms from the governme nt, he expresses his ideals in paper written in a cryptographic alphabet similar from hieroglyphs and Coptic figures hoping â€Å"that the future generations may be able to decipher it†and realized the abuse and oppression done by the conquerors.His full name is only known as Don Anastasio. The educated inhabitants of San Diego labeled him as Filosofo Tacio (Tacio the Sage) while others called him asTacio el Loco (Insane Tacio) due to his exceptional talent for reasoning. Dona Victorina Dona Victorina de los Reyes de Espadana, commonly known as Dona Victorina, is an ambitious Filipina who classifies herself as a Spanish and mimics Spanish ladies by putting on heavy make-up. The novel narrates Dona Victorina's younger days: she had lots of admirers, but she did not choose any of them because nobody was a Spaniard.Later on, she met and married Don Tiburcio de Espadana, an official of the customs bureau who is about ten years her junior. However, t heir marriage is childless. Her husband assumes the title of medical doctor even though he never attended medical school; using fake documents and certificates, Tiburcio practices illegal medicine. Tiburcio's usage of the title Dr. consequently makes Victorina assume the title Dra. (doctora, female doctor). Apparently, she uses the whole name Dona Victorina de los Reyes de de Espadana, with double de to emphasize her marriage surname.She seems to feel that this awkward titling makes her more â€Å"sophisticated. †Sisa, Crispin, and Basilio Sisa, Crispin, and Basilio represent a Filipino family persecuted by the Spanish authorities: * Narcisa or Sisa is the deranged mother of Basilio and Crispin. Described as beautiful and young, although she loves her children very much, she can not protect them from the beatings of her husband, Pedro. * Crispin is Sisa's 7-year-old son. An altar boy, he was unjustly accused of stealing money from the chur ch. After failing to force Crispin to return the money he allegedly stole, Father Salvi and the head sacristan killed him.It is not directly stated that he was killed, but the dream of Basilio suggests that Crispin died during his encounter with Padre Salvi and his minion. * Basilio is Sisa's 10-year-old son. An acolyte tasked to ring the church bells for the Angelus, he faced the dread of losing his younger brother and the descent of his mother into insanity. At the end of the novel, Elias wished Basilio to bury him by burning in exchange of chest of gold located on his death ground. He will later play a major role in El Filibusterismo. Due to their tragic but endearing story, these characters are often parodied in modern Filipino popular culture. Note: The Franciscan Order was shown by Rizal as hypocrites not because they were such during his time but because they are the most loved, and had significant numbers. Strategically, if one must attack the Spanish friars, the best is to attack the most popular during that time. Other characters There are a number of secondary and minor characters in Noli Me Tangere. Items indicated inside the parenthesis are the standard Filipinization of the Spanish names in the novel. * Padre Hernando de la Sibyla – a Dominican friar. He is described as short and has fair skin.He is instructed by an old priest in his order to watch Crisostomo Ibarra. * Padre Bernardo Salvi – the Franciscan curate of San Diego, secretly harboring lust for Maria Clara. He is described to be very thin and sickly. It is also hinted that his last name, â€Å"Salvi†is the shorter form of â€Å"Salvi†meaning Salvation, or â€Å"Salvi†is short for â€Å"Salvaje†meaning bad hinting to the fact that he is willing to kill an innocent child, Crispin, just to get his money back, though there was not enough evidence that it was Crispin who has stolen his 2 onzas. * El Alferez or Alperes – chief of the Guardia Civil.Mortal enemy of the priests for power in San Diego and husband of Dona Consolacion. * Dona Consolacion – wife of the Alferez, nicknamed as la musa de los guardias civiles (The muse of the Civil Guards) or la Alfereza, was a former laundrywoman who passes herself as a Peninsular; best remembered for her abusive treatment of Sisa. * Don Tiburcio de Espadana – Spanish Quack Doctor who is limp and submissive to his wife, Dona Victorina. * Teniente Guevara – a close friend of Don Rafael Ibarra. He reveals to Crisostomo how Don Rafael Ibarra's death came about. Alfonso Linares – A distant nephew of Tiburcio de Espanada, the would-be fiance of Maria Clara. Although he presented himself as a practitioner of law, it was later revealed that he, just like Don Tiburcio, is a fraud. He later died due to given medications of Don Tiburcio. * Tia Isabel – Capitan Tiago's cousin, who raised M aria Clara. * Governor General (Gobernador Heneral) – Unnamed person in the novel, he is the most powerful official in the Philippines. He has great disdain for the friars and corrupt officials, and sympathizes with Ibarra. * Don Filipo Lino – vice mayor of the town of San Diego, leader of the liberals. Padre Manuel Martin – he is the linguist curate of a nearby town who delivers the sermon during San Diego's fiesta. * Don Rafael Ibarra – father of Crisostomo Ibarra. Though he is the richest man in San Diego, he is also the most virtuous and generous. * Dona Pia Alba – wife of Capitan Tiago and mother of Maria Clara, she died giving birth to her daughter. In reality, she was raped by Damaso so she could bear a child. Non-recurring characters These characters were mentioned in the novel, appeared once, mentioned many times or have no major contribution to the storyline. Don Pedro Eibarramendia – the great-grandfather of Cris ostomo Ibarra who came from the Basque area of Spain. He started the misfortunes of Elias' family. His descendants abbreviated their surname to Ibarra. He died of unknown reasons, but was seen as a decaying corpse on a Balite Tree. * Don Saturnino Ibarra – the son of Don Pedro, father of Don Rafael and grandfather of Crisostomo Ibarra. He was the one who developed the town of San Diego. He was described as a cruel man but was very clever. * Salome – Elias' sweetheart.She lives in a little house by the lake, and though Elias would like to marry her, he tells her that it would do her or their children no good to be related to a fugitive like himself. In the original publication of Noli, the chapter that explores the identity of Elias and Salome was omitted, classifying her as a total non-existing character. This chapter, entitled Elias y Salome was probably the 25th chapter of the novel. However, recent editions and translations of Noli prov ides the inclusion of this chapter, either on the appendix or renamed as Chapter X (Ex). * Sinang – Maria Clara's friend.Because Crisostomo Ibarra offered half of the school he was building to Sinang, he gained Capitan Basilio's support. * Iday, Neneng and Victoria – Maria Clara's other friends. * Capitan Basilio – Sinang's father, leader of the conservatives. * Pedro – the abusive husband of Sisa who loves cockfighting. * Tandang Pablo – The leader of the tulisanes (bandits), whose family was destroyed because of the Spaniards. * El hombre amarillo (apparently means â€Å"yellowish person,†named as Taong Madilaw) – One of Crisostomo Ibarra's would-be assassins. He is not named in the novel, and only described as such.In the novel, he carved the cornerstone for Ibarra's school. Instead of killing Ibarra, he was killed by his cornerstone. * Lucas – the brother of the taong madilaw. H e planned a revolution against the government with Ibarra as the leader after he was turned down by Ibarra. He was said to have a scar on his left cheek. He would later be killed by the Sakristan Mayor. * Bruno and Tarsilo – a pair of brothers whose father was killed by the Spaniards. * Nor Juan (Nol Juan) – appointed as foreman of the school to be built by Ibarra * Capitana Tika (Rustica) – Sinang's mother and wife f Capitan Basilio. * Albino – a former seminarian who joined the picnic with Ibarra and Maria Clara. Was later captured during the revolution. * Capitana Maria Elena – a nationalist woman who defends Ibarra of the memory of his father. * Capitan Tinong and Capitan Valentin – other known people from the town of San Diego. * Sacristan Mayor – The one who governs the altar boys and killed Crispin for his accusation. * Hermano Pedro, Hermana Rufa, Hermana Sipa, Hermana Juana – Some of the p ersons included in the Chapter 18. These persons were talking about indulgencia plenaria.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
New Product Management
1. INTRODUCTION Apple has recently decided to launch a new idea by offering home-automation system based on the new iPhone technology, called â€Å"electronic butler†. The company is hoping that, based on the brand’s reputation, the home-automation system will be very well received by the customers. The air conditioning begins cooling, lights adjust to people liking, curtains open and the stereo plays soft, soothing jazz. Home-automation system is a new life experience. The '60s and '70s were the decades of the mainframe, the '80s made up the decade of client-server computing, and the '90s were the Internet years.Now Apple is entering the decade of the home-automation system. The home-automation system will have a good business prospects. COMPANY’S BACKGROUND Apple, founded in 1976 by Steven P. Jobs and Steve Wozniak, is not just the world’s largest technology company; it is the world’s most highly valued public company. Over the last decade, Apple has redefined the music business through the iPod, the cellphone business through the iPhone and the entertainment and media world through the iPad. Although, Apple already boasted the largest market value of any public company, on Aug. 0, 2012, it became the most highly valued public company ever. According to numbers from the World Bank, there are only 18 countries that have a GDP above $500 billion, while Apple’s market cap stands at approximately $506 billion. COMPANY’S MISSION STATEMENT It was widely reported that a famous quote from Steve Jobs in the 1980's was the Apple company mission statement: â€Å"Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systems and structures, and not subordinate to them. The â€Å"official†mission statement on the Apple corporation website, however, is not really a mission statement at all, but rather a list of products and past accomplishments. â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad. †(3) Technology services to the life.I would say that the Apple’s mission statement is in accordance to the new product they want to bring into the market. New product’s purpose is to offer very good quality services that improve the lives of the world’s consumers. 2. OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS POTENTIAL SIZE OF THE MARKET Apple Inc. ‘s success selling consumer gadgets has pushed its share price above $500, cementing its place as the U. S. ‘s largest company, with a market capitalization of $475 billion. Home-automation system is based on the company’s new technology and iPhone, such a large sales and market share will bring new product a good potential size of the market.COMPETITION Apple is pursuing a broad differentiation strategy. Apple differentiates by offering high-quality, exceptional design, and personalized service. The scope of their strategy is broad targeting customers ranging from unsophisticated beginner users to specials needs power-users. Home-automation system is a new market and area, Apple intends to differentiate itself from the competitors by offering brand new home-automation system service that most competitors are not currently offering.Apple can use the new technology and the contact between the system and iPhone to increase competitive advantage. Apple had $127. 8 billion in sales during the 2012 calendar year, putting it neck-and-neck with Hewlett-Packard, the nation's largest tech company by revenue. This year, Apple is on pace to become the biggest technology company in the world, measured by revenue, outpacing current global No. 1 Samsung. These two companies are the main competitors o f Apple. (1) COMPANY’S RESOURCESApple’s most important resources and capabilities are Steve Jobs, the CEO, and the integrated system of hardware and software that the firm has developed and successfully marketed to derive value. While Apple’s designers, programmers, and engineers each represent key resources the ability of the firm to exploit their abilities to create their entire software/hardware ecosystem is the firm’s key capability. (1) The Apple stores have provided the company with an important physical presence to act as both a sales location and an advertisement. The stores allow Apple to ightly control the image of the brand and provide excellent customer service. Apple tops many retailers in in-store sales, generating $4,032 per retail square foot per year, beating other retailers like Tiffany & Co. at $2,666 and Best Buy at only $930. This is a great display platform for the new product. A good product needs professional design and production. Apple’s incredible industrial design capability is a function of their innovative design teams, led by Jonathan Ive, senior vice president of industrial design, and the firm’s prioritization of design and outsourced production.CORPORATE POLICY The new service needs a good social environment. Although companies worldwide are facing the possibility of restrictive carbon emissions regulation, Apple is uniquely positioned to lead the electronics industry in promoting ‘green’ production, while taking full advantage of opportunities arising from new technological trends and sociocultural preferences concerning the fully-integrated, mobile digital lifestyle. (3) 3. SWOT ANALSIS AND OBJECTIVES S. W. O. T. ANALYSIS Strengths: Relationship with OEMs – Apple has outsourced all of its manufacturing processes to OEM partners in China, like Foxconn and Hon Hai Precision Industry while focusing on design internally. * Apple store – New product needs a nice sale place. The Apple stores have provided the company with an important physical presence to act as both a sales location and an advertisement. * Industrial Design Capability – Apple’s incredible industrial design capability is a function of their innovative design teams, and the firm’s prioritization of design and outsourced production. 2) Weakness: * Price – Having premium products means that those products can be expensive for many consumers. The expensive of products is a major turnoff for consumers who are looking for a product of minimal quality standards. The new product needs to control the price. Opportunities: * International Expansion – Apple’s product sales all over the world, it will bring a large market for new product. Strong international presence and expansion should increase growth and profits. New – Home-automation system is a new service for the market and customer, it can also extends to new office automation te chnology. Threats: * Global Slowdown – A global slowdown or recession will hurt all companies, but mostly those whose products sell in economies that experience the worst declines. Especially multinational corporations like Apple. * Currency Volatility – As the US dollar changes in value, this creates uncertainty in contract negotiations. If the dollar were to change after a contract was signed, then one party to the contract would lose out on gains and the other party would win. . MARKETING OBJECTIVES Home-automation system’s main and most important objective is to establish a new, effective, and has not been developed over market, while increasing Apple’s brand awareness. REFERENCE 1. http://www. scribd. com/doc/24134877/Strategic-Analysis-of-Apple-Inc-Brian-Masi 2. http://www. wikiwealth. com/swot-analysis:aapl 3. Apple Inc. Apple and the Environment Apple Inc. , 2009. Web, 28 Nov. 2009. . New Product Management
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Ontological Arguments About The Divine Command Theory Of Morality Essay
Ontological Arguments About The Divine Command Theory Of Morality - Essay Example Plato argues against every other theory that beats the logic of God in that God can only condemn something because it is wrong and something is condemned by the gods because it is wrong. Plato goes disowns the theory by bringing out a logical argument based on what he believes to the truth, especially on the concept of right and wrong and their relationship with the gods. On this topic, he brings up the issue of morality and immorality and the views of the gods on it based on why an action can be moral or immoral based on his argument with Euthyphro. In this case, he asks what if the gods considered what they asked to be done as the correct thing, despite being an immoral thing and one that inflicts pain and suffering amongst the people. In his objection against the theory, Plato argues the theory because it means that the gods that determine morality and human behavior by vouching for or criticizing it. For this reason, the foundation of morality in the case of the divine command th eory of morality, morality becomes an arbitrary issue (Austin). ... Logically, this does not make sense since Plato believes in a state of unambiguity, where such dilemmas do not come up; thus, there must be another form that guides morality. Another argument, by Plato against divine command theory of morality, is that if gods do not call the arbitral change in morality, then they must be mere spectators. This is to mean that they just act as beings with the ability to recognize right and wrong, and cannot direct ethics, which is based on the argument that the gods condemn something because it is wrong. To Plato, this is another absurd idea and basis of morality as it puts the gods at the same as a man; because man can also recognize right from wrong based on the law.
Friday, September 27, 2019
An Introduction to the Globalization Debate Essay
An Introduction to the Globalization Debate - Essay Example There are four different types and levels of economic integration. One of the most popular in the post-globalization era and generally perceived of as the first step towards eventual regionalization or the formation of a regional economic bloc is free trade agreements (Held and McGrew, 2003). As Hill (2007) clarifies, within the context of free trade agreements, all types of internal barriers to trade, or the movement of goods and services between member countries, is removed. While in FTAs member country set their own trade and economic policies with non-members, policies towards members are determined by the agreement in question. As far as the impact upon business and market relations is concerned, it is important to clarify that the said level of integration has tremendous benefits for member states and businesses within as it effectively expands the market. At the same time, competition over markets is intensified and, needless to say, if the member states in question are unequa l, this can be a disadvantage. In simpler terms, within the context of NAFTA, Mexican businesses have to compete with U.S. ones over both the regional and the domestic markets without the protection they were once afforded (within the home market) by tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. Custom Unions are a second type and level of integration. Custom union agreements replicate all of the characteristics of FTA’s but take integration one step further through the adoption of common policies towards non-member states. The European Union has its genesis in this type of integration. Taking the concept of economic integration characteristic of customs unions one step further, Common Markets allow the free movement of both labor and capital across national borders. Post-1992 EU is an example of this type of economic integration. Economic Unions, as in post-2002 European Union, constitutes a deep form of economic integration and benefits for member states are quite substantial. Economic Unions possess all the features of Common Markets but are further characterized by economic policy harmonization.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Cheating In School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cheating In School - Essay Example This report stresses that parents can contribute to their children lack of study due to busy schedules where they may end up typing their assignments or assisting them in their science projects. This type of behavior from parents sends the wrong message that if someone parents another person’s work is okay and the kids understand that getting higher grades is more important. In Kindergarten to the second grade, cheating is considered a very old school where it entails copying another classmate’s homework, also seeking someone work. Cheating sometimes is seen as a tool for getting ahead, and this makes students develop cheating skills to be successful. This paper makes a conclusion that cheating in school is increasing at a high rate due to lack of tough laws and regulations that deal with suspected students who have been accused of cheating. Schools have stipulated that cheating occur in different forms like plagiarism, copying in exams, assisting a student to do their exams or prohibiting a student not to finish their assignment. Curbing cheating should start at the elementary level so that kids can grow to know that cheating is wrong, and this creates a moral code in their lifetime. Some kids at the elementary level do not know that some form of cheating falls under categories of cheating and therefore it is the role of the teachers and parents to make sure that they inform such young children what exactly is cheating. This extends to submitting another person’s work as their own.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Management & Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management & Leadership - Essay Example In reality, the productive functions and the managerial functions are closely and intricately interwoven, with the conscious or unconscious aim of coordinating human effort and material resources toward the achievement of organizational objectives. In contrast to managers, the main quality of a leader is to guide employees, predict and eliminate possible dangers, create a strategic vision of company's growth and development. Leaders should be able to access critically the situation and rely on employee strengths, be inspirational and has a good technical competence (Northouse 2006). In contrast to leaders, managers plan organizational processes according to objectives and the policies initiated by leaders. They develop programs, schedules, procedures, and methods for achieving them. Thus, planning is essentially decision making since it involves choosing among alternatives, and it also encompasses innovation. Every leader creates unique leadership style based on his personal characteristics, traditions and traits. In contrast, managers do not have a unique style of management but follow standardized rules and procedures determined by hierarchical relations and organizational structure. Their task is to measure and correct activities of subordinates to assure the accomplishment of plans.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The structure of congress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The structure of congress - Essay Example Indeed, the government system in the United States may have its own strengths and weaknesses and it is subject to a number of critical review and analysis, some of which have been done in the following texts. The Structure of Congress Generally, the Congress of the United States is a bicameral legislature, which takes its unique governance operations from its structure and committees. There exist two major for a namely the House of Representatives and the Senate, two of whom make up the bicameral legislature. Due to the array of work that needs to be done by the Senate and House, there is a compromised system which ensures that the workload is better handled and this system is in the use of the committees to get duties of Congress executed (Stowitts, 2009). Indeed, the various committees and the responsibilities or roles assigned to them make up the structure of Congress. There exists several committees at the Senate but these may be grouped and categorized into Standing Committees, Select Committees, and Joint Committees. At the House, committees are put in charge of special sectors of the economy and thus make up committees such as Committee on Agriculture, Committee on House Administration, Committee on Rules, and so on. In its broader sense, it can be said that the Congress represents the larger population of the United States of America. The reason for this assertion is that members of Congress are voted into their offices and not merely appointed. This electoral system therefore enshrines powers in the hands of the ordinary American to determine who he or she wants to represent (Stowitts et al, 2010). Consequently, Congress represents the people on the ground. By the voting system, it is important to note that the fact that a congressman is voted for by a particular group of persons does not mean that that congressman represents the interest of those people only but then, once the congressman assumes office, he is mandated to represent the interest of all people within his electoral area without discrimination. It is indeed due to the need for there to be a fairer representation of the United States people that there are as people as 535 Voting members of Congress scattered all across the various States of America. What Congress does As democratic as the government system of the United States of America is, one of the virtues of governance that can indeed justify the exhibition of democracy in that country is the presence of shared powers among state offices, or what is commonly known as checks and balance (Stowitts, 2009). To this end, there are three major arms of government namely the executive, judiciary and legislature. The legislative arm of government is mainly responsible for making laws that are rooted in the constitution of the country. It is this arm that Congress represents. What congress does exactly therefore is for it to make laws for the country. With this role of Congress, some of the powers of state governance are taken away from the presidency into the hands of the ordinary people, whom the Congress represents. Subsequently, Congress determines several aspects of state governance including how funds should be raised for the country and how funds raised should
Monday, September 23, 2019
Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Philosophy - Assignment Example This therefore requires using the senses and consistent with the rationalist thought. To illustrate a posteoriori thinking, we can cite ourselves as an example by either touching ourselves or seeing ourselves in the mirror to validate that we indeed exist and has physical presence. In sum, posteoriori is an acquired knowledge and contingent truth. b. A priori - A priori can be likened to an acquired knowledge and necessary truths. These are knowledge that is independent of the observation of our sensory perceptions to validate its truth. These are truths and knowledge that does not validation of the physical world to justify. For example, we can use the statement that â€Å"Sarah is a mother†because it would imply that by using a distinctly feminine name, we will realize that it is only women who could be mother. It does not need any justification in the outside world nor further investigation because we just know that it is only women who can give birth or become a mother because it is only them who has the physical facility to bear a child and it follows that men cannot bear child because their body will not allow it. There are however exemptions to the priori mode of thinking such as Anselm’s ontological premise in arguing in the premise of the existence of God. His argument purports to a priori proof of God’s existence which is independent of any proof or observation. He argued that because God is God, His existence does not need to be validated by experience to justify that He exists. He concludes that because there is nothing that exists to be greater than God, then it is unimaginable to think that there is no God. c. Innate ideas – is also known as Descartes Theory of Ideas. These are ideas that are inherent in man or natural attribute of thought. Albeit this theory of knowledge was not expounded extensively in a treatise such as other works, innate ideas was mentioned in a letter to Guillaume
Sunday, September 22, 2019
There is general duty under english tort law to rescue or assist Essay - 1
There is general duty under english tort law to rescue or assist other. there is only a duty not to actively cause harm. nevertheless, there exist certain explicitly defined exceptions to the rule - Essay Example This law they mainly bases on the exceptional situations such as where the need for rescue arises due to negligence of the expected rescuer or defendant. This is both when the negligence is with intent or fault free conduct. In a case of one party dependence or mutual dependence in life such as a ship captain and the sea man such duty is said to apply. Another exception is derived from a rescuer’s intent to rescue. Once a person intervenes and objects to rescue they are obligated to have a duty and must not leave the victim in a worse off condition. It is also occasionally ascertained to be one’s duty to rescue where a contract stating the same is available. Though there are uncertainties as per the terms and forms of contracts in this nature (scordato, 2008). In one case taken before the New Hampshire Supreme Court in 1898 the court judged in favor of the defendant. This was after an eight year old boy who trespassed into the premises of the defendant placed his hand in the defendant’s machinery. In this situation the defendant was not obligated by any duty to rescue the boy, and could actually further place charges against the boy for trespassing. This can be attributed to the fact that they had no relationship of such a dependable nature, the defendant had no hand in the boy getting there, and that rescuing him could maybe have resulted him into bodily ham hence the individual nature to stay away. Another interesting case of this nature is one regarding reporters and paparazzi and their duty to rescue others from danger. This is because many times photos are publicized of the dying moments of people in crime scenes and accidents posing the thought whether the one who took the photo should have saved the persons life instead of taking the photo of their last breathing moments. This was brought into considerations and as current they do have the duty.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Sport Effect on Teens Essay Example for Free
Sport Effect on Teens Essay Sports serve more than just a physical purpose such as teaching teamwork. Even individual sports such as wrestling, foster team environment in which teens can challenge themselves supports each other and cheer each other. Sports are alsoprovides additional role models and positive adult influence in the teens lives through coaches and the athletic administration staffs. The more adults a teen has to turn to, the more likely he is to go to someone when he faces challenges. Sports are away kids get introduced to different physical activities. Sports help kid learn skills, including how to dribble a basketball, kick a soccer ball or leap over a hurdle. It takes discipline and hard work. Also, involvements in sports can introduce your kids a new group of kid who have atleast one common interest. Sports require a lot of Teens time as most teams practice or have competitions several days per week during season she isn’t practicing or competing, most likely studying to stay eligible, eating or sleeping. Teens who participate in sports through their school are governed by state rules and regulations, as well as school rules they must follow eligible. This typically consists of a maximum grade point average, not failing any classes and being held to a higher standard for citizenship with in their school and community . Students tend to work harder to maintain eligibility when playing sports, which result in accountability and pride. Teens also, who participate in sports have fewer drop out of pregnancies. The reason are debatable, but most people feel that being a part of a team and activities keep teens out of trouble because they want to be a part of a group, any group ,and the old saying that idle hands are the devils instruments are at least partially true. Another reason why does participation in sports keep teens out of trouble because teens have too much fun doing their favorite sport to be causing trouble . They’re interested in if they are going to win or not if the coach is going to make them captain . Whatever it is, they are more worried about their sports and having fun rather than doing dumb stuff and worrying their parents. Sport also keep teens out of trouble because it’s when they’re bored out of their minds, that they look into other avenues for excitement . They find there is nothing afire publicly. So they go for the thrill of what has never been tried before. You and I both know it all been tried but they think they can do it. In the end they can’t get away with it. It’s all been done and it can’t be done legally. Participation in sports can help keep teens out of trouble, though it’s not guaranteed. Teens who participate in sports tend to have less time to get into trouble. In better physical shape than their sedentary peers, they tend to pay more attention to nutrition than kids who don’t play sports. Teen athletes also tend to do better academically and may get a boost in self-esteem compared to their peers who do not participate in sports. Participating in sports is good it can enhance our skills . Don’t ignore when it comes to sports because it’s useful for us and we can enjoy our life even though we can cause a trouble and Sports can save you from a life of crime or a life on the streets. Just by being part of something that’s bigger than you can help you change your life around for the better. Being part of a team is like being part of a family. You watch out for one another and support one another. If you’re not playing sports, you may want to consider it. Unfortunately, most schools are cutting extracurricular activities such as football, volleyball, baseball, track, softball, rugby, archery, basketball, and other sports programs. Playing sports is good for your mind, body, and soul. You’ll get fresh air if you play an outdoor sport. You’ll strengthen your bones and muscles. Your mind will be getting exercise as well because you’ll have to remember game plays and terminology. Your soul will be cleansed because you’ll be doing something you love and be part of a team. It’s all good! In conclusion, I agree that participating in sports keep teens out of trouble first they want to be a part of a group, any group ,and the old saying that idle hands are the devils instruments are at least partially true then teens have too much fun doing their favorite sport to be causing trouble. Games can cause trouble but be sports. Everything happens for a reason. I’m used to it, I prepare for it. Like I say, at the end of the day, those in charge of their own destiny are going to do what’s rights for them and their family.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Development Needs in Human Resources
Development Needs in Human Resources Human resource management is defined as the operation within the organization, which has the main objective of recruitment, management and providing direction to the people, who work in the organization. It is an organization function that deals with the issues associated with employee of the organization i.e. performance management, administration of the resources, organizational development, safety, benefits, hiring labor force and providing training. It is also regarded as a necessary and global approach to manage people and workplace environment present in the organization. A good Human Resource management helps the company to improve its productivity and efficiency and also aids in achieving the goal and objectives of the organization. The main aim of HRM is to maximize the productivity and efficiency of the organization by effectively using the capabilities of the employees. (Human Resouce Management) Development Needs The following point emphasize on the development needs required by HR in a company for the expansion of the organization: The presence of curiosity in an individual is the reason for his regular development. It adapts him to react and learn by his internal and external work environments and shows the willingness of the individual to learn and enquire. The person should have the ability to analyze and understand the data and information effectively. And by his judgments is able to use the information, intuitions and knowledge in a sequential order to make reasonable and powerful decisions. The person should have the ability to influence in a difficult situation, to inherit necessary support, liability and consent from a wide range of different stakeholder to attain benefits for the organization. Set goals according to the capability of the person for achieving it. A skilled person would achieve a big task easily compared to a weakly trained one. Continuously plans, priorities and monitor performances to very that other are able to complete a specific task. It is the most significant ability of the HR manager to work co-operatively and effectively with the colleagues, clients, customers, stakeholders, teams and individual within and outside the organization. As a personal credible, a HR manager should keep a track of record of all the consistent and beneficial delivery using the respective technical knowledge and experience and do the job by taking honor in it and with an impartial attitude. A HR manager should be having courage and confidence to speak his thoughts even the circumstances are unfamiliar or faces resistance. The manager should be able to perform his duties even the circumstances are against him. The Hr manager should be a role model for the other employee, by leading them by example and performing his duties impartially, acting with integrity, independence and giving perfect judgments in the organization. (Behavoiur in HR profession) Three Options to Meet the Development Needs Strategy, Insight And Solution This professional area characterizes the use of deep understanding of the business activities and strategies and plans to execute them and the barriers which are not allowing them to perform with full efficiency, and understand the requirements of the customers and employees and having a unique insight that can maximize the performance of the business and transmission of strategies and solution of business. Manager should understand what is the structure of the organization and in which way teams can work together for achievement of companys objectives. And co-relates the data and statistics obtained and having the strategy of the organization and in-year operating plans. Reveals the quality of products or services the company provides and which are the target customers identifies the goal of the organization. Recognize the importance of the ten human resource professional areas and how they combine together to develop humans resource offering for the company. Management of time efficiently and reorganization of priorities .Puts light on how interpersonal skills and credibility is important in developing confidence among the human resources which includes the manager and the employees of the organization. The objective of the HR manager should be understanding the external factors in which the organization operates and the find the factor which can be responsible to bring about change. What potential impact on business can be brought down by changing the environment of the organization and should be favoring a leadership team to explain the response from the employee or the consumers. Identify the stakeholders which are involved in the project which is leaded by you. When the support or assistance from the colleague or senior staff, search for some common grounds. Leading And Managing The Human Resource Function This profession area describes the purpose of HR function that is to lead and manage the organization by having the operational excellence and a deep knowledge of organizational requirement. HR manager has to ensure that the function is capable and has the capacity, and organization design, and the HR employee are deeply engaged and working collaboratively and attains a thorough knowledge of the organization for enlarging the profits of the organization. The HR manager should focus on accomplishment and error less delivery of the task given, and it skillful advice is expected regarding to the human resource strategy and operating plans in the organization. Human resource functions organization design programs should be effectively delivered. Should give stress on effective delivery of resources and management programs prevailing. Monitor the results obtained by performance indicator which measures effectiveness of resource and talent management programs. The skill and the information that is required in this professional area are the capability to build an HR, team activity planning and method to implement it and knowledge of HR budget management. Keep a record of progress attained in all objectives. Query about how your objective is suited with teams or organization objective Employee Relation In this professional area the HR manager has to ensure that the relationship between the staff and the organization is managed properly by an honest and clear framework established by practices and policies of the organization and subsequently by appropriate employment laws. The entire employee related policies and practices should be well informed to the employees. The relation advisors and managers leading the resolute of employee relation issues must be provided with the exact and timely information. Achieving the consensus legally and ethically by managing and facilitating the potential conflicts situation is necessary. Give a helping hand to human resource and managers who are resolving and investigating employee relation issues, such as grievances and disciplinary, and also keeping the appropriate record of the occurrence of the event. They should collect informal and formal feedback from the employees on employee relations, such as communication among the employee, team work, transfer of knowledge and skills. The knowledge required for this professional area is knowledge about the formation of trade union , how are they formed and what are their objectives, hardship related to the employee and disciplinary rules and maintain the health and safety of the employees and the environment they are working in. be accustomed to meet the customer on regular basis so that they should feel free to contact you for any problem they face and so that you able to contact the person for any essential information that is required. Become familiar to HR models with the help of case studies and business literature available. Make sure that your main objectives are attached to the criteria mentioned in the service-level. (Professional Areas) Advantages Of These Option Support and assistance from the senior staff or priors to develop better strategies and plan. Team activity planning Help to provide a better solution through discussion to the problem w.r.t Strategy, Insight and Solution function. Interacting with other Employees in organization helps in developing good relation w.r.t Employee Relation function Helps in the effective use of resources available in the organization w.r.t Leading and managing the human resource function Training and Coaching Develop skills and knowledge, sharpens the mind of employee to plan sophisticated strategies with respect to Strategy, Insight and Solution function. Interaction occurs during the classes and gets to help each other in difficult situation which inculcates good relation among the employees with respect to Employee Relation function. It helps to develop leadership skills and operational excellence with respect to Leading and managing the human resource function Disadvantages Of These Option Besides having advantages these procedures can have several disadvantages which are listed below: Team Activity Planning People may disagree with their ideas to solve the problem which will thus result in poor solution of the problem with respect to Strategy, Insight and Solution function. Conflict can occur due to lack of communication with respect to Employee Relation function. Teams made should have appropriate skillful employees with a common understanding among themselves, if not; it would be unfruitful with respect to Leading and managing the human resource function. Training and Coaching Training would be based on particular stream which could help to develop strategies and would be wastage of money with respect to Strategy, Insight and Solution function. People might have a feeling of incompetency to other employees with respect to Employee Relation function. Would not be able to develop managing qualities as they are self possessed with respect to Leading and managing the human resource function. Development Plan What do I want/need to learn? What will I do to achieve this? What resources or support will I need? What will my success criteria be? Target dates for review and completion Structure of the organization Deep knowledge about the companys strategies and solution. Accessibility to human resource Operational excellence 5 10 days Inspirational leadership Knowledge about the organizational requirement Support from the other employees and colleagues regarding the task Collaborative Working and deeply engaged in performing the task 10-15 days Strategy development and motivator to other employees Capability to build HR, team activity planning Access to business literature and case studies Function has the capacity and organizational design 5-10 day Manage and facilitates conflict situations Formation of trade unions development of the honest and clear framework of the organization Policies and practices prevailing in the organization and information by employee relation advisers. Maintain the health and safety of the employee further helps in satisfaction of the employees and greater work productivity.
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